
Thursday, March 10, 2016

A New Doctor and many blessings

I mentioned not too long ago that we found a new doctor for me in the Gainesville area.  Finding a doctor who is literate with Lyme Disease is very difficult.  Finding one in your area is a miracle!  And that's just what God gave me.

I was quite nervous the day of my first appointment, but the moment I met Dr. Kaye, I felt relaxed and comfortable. She decide to run a few more labs and try a few new things.

After a couple of weeks the labs came back and her suspicions were confirmed, I have another bacteria that has taken home in my bloodstream as well as Lyme.  She found Tularemia.  And she thinks there may be two others, that I will be having more testing for those.

She began a treatment plan right away and said the only negative is the possible side effect of tendon rupture, but we will "keep our fingers crossed" and hope I don't get those.  We began to pray, but through God's plan, I began to have the dreaded side effect...tendon issues.  My ankle began to hurt.  I have never had ankle problems before, but my left ankle was pretty painful.  I called the doctor and it was determined that I had to stop this new antibiotic and try a different one.

I was quite devastated.  In my mind, I had to quit the medicine that would help me.  But, it's just like God to send me encouragement.  I cried with my sister on the phone, but then she said, "What if this is just the Lord moving this medicine out of the way because it won't help you, but now you're actually on to the right medicine.  If you had never had the tendon issues, you wouldn't be taking an all new antibiotic."  It's so true.  God knows what medicine I need to take.  My life is truly in His hands and that's the best place to be!

I'm so thankful for the people God has put in my life.  My sweet Dad that calls just to "check on me."  A wonderful Mom that cries with me and prays with me on the phone.  So many that call and tell me they are praying.  Sweet friends that bring our family meals.

And a wonderful husband that brings me a box of my favorite cookies.  So blessed I am!

So, for now, I have my ankle resting on a couple of pillows. My Callie is reading next to me, and Micah is playing sweetly by me.  Some kiddos are making dinner in the kitchen while singing together.  Lord, you have been so good to me!


  1. Praying for you, Kami. Thank you for having a sweet and surrendered attitude through all of this. You are quite an example to me.

    1. Oh Jessi, I wish that were true, but I truly struggle. I'm so thankful that the Lord is patient with me and continues to extend His amazing grace to me! YOU are the one that is the encouragement and example to me!

  2. I love how good He is to us in so many little ways!! As well as big ways! {Psst...those are my favorite cookies, too!} ;-)

    1. Yay for Lofthouse Cookies! :o) many can you eat at one sitting? Usually 2 is perfect, but if I eat 3 I feel sick! So, I just wait a few minutes, then have my 3rd. :o)

  3. Probably more than is wise! :-) It helps to tell yourself that the goodness of the cookie outweighs the sick feeling, and that if you eat more cookies, the sick will go away! But I like your trick of waiting for the third. :-) Haha!
