
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Beautiful St Barths

 I am back from my quick trip with my Mother-in-Law, Denise, to St. Barths.  We were able to see and do so much in the short time that we were there.
We saw the beautiful island of St. Barths

 We tasted many yummy foods!

 My favorite breakfast!  French bread with Laughing Cow cheese and Gold coffee!!

 And, we saw many beautiful people!

 Please ignore my sunburn.  Obviously 3 hours in the sun, with mounds of sunblock applied frequently, is way too much for this girl!

 It truly was a wonderful trip with some opportunities to sow some seeds for the Lord.  I am praying He will bless those tracts and Bibles passed out. Georges and Mariane were so thoughtful and sweet to us and saw to our every need!  We really had a great time!!

I am also thankful for the time with Denise.  We laughed and giggled and grew closer than ever.  I truly am blessed to have her for my Mother-in-Law!

Being back on the island brought back so many memories.  I'm thankful I was able to go, see the sweet people again, and praise God for the time I was able to live there.  What an adventure!


  1. I'm so glad you got to go on this trip. I'm prayerful that the seeds you've sown will grow dear Kami. The photos are beautiful and I hope you will get over that sunburn soon. It looks so painful yet you have a smile on your face :-) What is that big critter your MIL is standing over with butter. It sure is a big one!

    1. It is a large caribbean lobster! They are so yummy!

  2. Looks like you had a wonderful time and that the Lord really used you! {And the picture of the boats was beautiful!} :) Prayed for you on the trip. And it was exciting to see the update from your family blog on the news from the doctor.

    Still praying for you, Miss Kami!
