
Thursday, October 6, 2016

Boys of VSIBC

 What a blessing it has been to be a part of the ministries of VSIBC!  It's been exciting to watch children ride the van, accept Christ, and make this church their church!  These precious kiddos have such potential!  We are so happy to see them grow and serve the Lord.
 Joshua planned a boys activity not too long ago.  I love to see my boy interact with the little guys.  He has their full attention and their hearts as well.  Josh planned some fun sporting games, then the rain started.  He switched gears quickly and came up with some perfect games for on the porch....after they ate some burgers, of course!
 There were so much laughter and joy...I just love it!

 Then, Joshua and his friend, and coworker in the ministry, decided they would get in on the arm wrestling fun.  Boys will always be boys! ;o)
 It sure is a joy to serve Jesus!!