
Friday, October 7, 2016

Homeschooling fun at the Police Department!

 It was fun to get back in the swing of things and start up our homeschooling activities.  We have a good group from area churches that meet together for our kids to have fun together.

  Our first one was at the Police Department.  The High Springs Police Department has been such a blessing to VSIBC as we've started the church.  We've had a couple of Police Officers stop by to let us know that they are keeping an eye on us, watching out for us and are there if we need them.  We often see a Police Officer parked near the church as we leave.  What a blessing!  So, it was nice to go for a visit and to personally tell them thank you for all they do!
 The Moms were locked in the jail.  The kids were happy! :o)
 The kids loved seeing the Police Car.  It was quite fancy!!

 Silas loved wearing a bullet proof vest!

 So thankful for this special group!

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