
Monday, March 20, 2017

2 Years!

 It seems it was just moments ago that we had our Grand Opening at VSIBC.  Yesterday we celebrated our 2 year anniversary.  What a day it was!  Our people worked so hard inviting their family and friends.  We had 12 visiting families that came!  Our auditorium was full!  I wish I had taken the above picture before we dismissed for Junior Church.  We had many children and many families that came that were outside for this pic.    There was such a sweet spirit, and by the day's end, we counted 99 that came!  That's a record!
 We combined 2 of our ladies groups to sing some of the specials that day.  I love singing with them!
 We had so much yummy food!  On Saturday, 3 of our men spent the day smoking Boston Butt for us to have Pulled Pork sandwiches.  Oh my, it was delicious!  Our ladies brought in the fixins' to go with it and we all feasted!
 These sweet boys enjoyed the bounce house!  That's why they have bare feet! :o)

 It was such a gorgeous day!  We had tables inside and out and everyone enjoyed a time of fellowship!

I was so glad my Mom, Dad and Mam-maw could make it for the day.  I love sharing moments like these with them!

 Josh preached for our afternoon service.  This is one of those mid sentence pictures.  Ha! :o)  I'm so thankful the Lord has called my boy to preach!  He did a great job and preached on having a "More Earnest" christianity.  It was so convicting!

 I'm so thankful for my preacher/hubby and the leadership role he has in our church.  He's such a good Pastor and truly has a heart for the people of VISBC!
  It was fun setting goals for this Sunday.  We wanted to beat our last goal of 81.  My husband said that if we had 82, he would swallow a live goldfish.  When our goal was met, our people made sure he didn't forget his commitment!

It was actually quite gross as the slippery fish kept slipping out of his hands.  Oh my!


Our second goal was to have more than 85.  If we did, Tabitha would put a pie in Josh's face.  Now, that was fun to watch! :o)

 Us 9 sang, "It's been a long journey, but I have been blessed."  As I looked around at all the sweet people of our community that we get to serve and be a part of their lives, my eyes filled with tears.  You see, serving Jesus bring a peace and contentment that nothing else can offer.  And we get to serve as a family!  It really is a joy to serve Jesus!


  1. What a fun and awesome praise report. God is really moving in your church plant. Praising God with you all. xx

  2. Hi Mrs. Kami,

    Can you post the link/lyrics and tune to the song of "It's been a long journey, but I have been blessed."

    Thank You!

    1. Sure! We learned it from this youtube video. The song starts about 4.45.

  3. So wonderful to see what God is doing there!
