
Thursday, March 16, 2017

A Newsy Update

 Busy.  That's what it's been around here.  So much happening, so I thought I would throw it all into one newsy post.  
I've enjoyed teaching the Fruit of the Spirit in my Sunday School Class.  It's always so convicting to review each fruit and then ask, "Do I have this in my life?"   It's amazing how God leads me to teach exactly what I need to learn!  I decided to make a fruit pizza for my class.  I haven't made one in a long time.  It was super yummy!

 Spring is here and it has warmed up bunches.  So, we've been planting some new flowers and bushes and fruit trees.  I even filled up a few planters with flowers!  I'm not so good at this kind of thing, so we'll see how they do!  Then, what do you know, it turned cold again.  It was in the 20s!  So, we blanketed our plants and put on the fireplace!
As far as Lyme news, I've hit a few more bumps in the road.  A few flares.  Some new meds.  Some new labs.  My Doctor is persistent and my family is patient.  As my energy has returned there is so much I want to do and accomplish!

Things at VSIBC are going great!  This Sunday we will celebrate our 2 year Anniversary!  Wow!  We have lots of special music planned, a BBQ lunch, and bounce house for the kids and then an early afternoon service.  It's going to be a great day!

In the midst of this, we are also gearing up for Brenna's graduation that is a month away!  We've taken her Senior Pics and she just finished her exams.  It's an exciting season with many changes.  I'm enjoying it, but it seems to be zooming by so fast!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my Kami. Doesn't life just zoom by?! I'm glad everything is going well and I send early congratulations to Brenna on a significant milestone. Your children are growing up so fast. I'm sure you are so aware and your time with them now is very precious. I'm also glad to hear that though you've had some bumps on the journey of dealing with Lyme Disease that the doctors still find things they can try to help you. It's so nice too to see the greenery returning to where you live. I'm afraid it is still too cold here for much of that. We usually have much warmer weather by now. Hugs and prayers. xx
