
Thursday, March 9, 2017

A Visitor. I hope he only visits!

 My Patrick found an interesting visitor today on our porch.  He was sleeping comfortably on the top of the fan blade on our porch.  It was a bat!  Oh my!  Not my favorite of God's creatures, that's for sure!  Now my hubby has dreams of building a box for his new bat and hoping he'll invite friends and eat mosquitos.  Not sure how I feel about this.  Still icked out.  Anyone else have experience with these guys?


  1. We had bats in Nakuru. They always made me nervous when I stepped into the outhouse because they would fly at you to rush out of there. The kids wanted one as a pet, but BJ said no because of the possibility of rabies.

  2. Ooooh, bats frighten me too. I don't want to come across one of them.

    I do like your new header Kami.

  3. Hi,
    Bats carry rabies. Do not pick it up or pet it. or let it fly near you that it brushes your skin. I know it sounds alarming but I had a friend that had to go thru rabies shots. NOT fun.
    Take care and get a qualified pest remover. Keep them outside.

  4. I've haven't dealt with bats but I know they are good to have around. Better than rattle snakes. I've dealt with those and King snakes.

  5. Not my fav either - got into the attic areas through the eaves of our home and cost mega $$$$$ to get rid of them - didn't know they were there until one scooted into the house and was flying around - hysteria reigned for a few hours! I feel your pain.

  6. Not my fav either - got into our attic area through the eaves (covered on the interior with wire to protect from flying squirrels)and ultimately found a way to get into the upstairs area of our home - hysteria reigned for a bit - eight hours and too many $$$$$$ later the house was bat free - we learned that the stinky little creatures had pushed the wire in and created an entrance to the attic. I feel your pain!
