
Monday, July 17, 2017

A Better Look

I received a call Friday that the Cardiac Surgeon at Shands has consulted with a Pulmonologist for me to have a bronchoscopy.  They scheduled me for tomorrow. Once again, I'm asking for prayer.

When my primary care doctor began seeing me over a year ago, she had really hoped to find a Pulmonologist that would "take a better look" around my lungs.  Even though the nodules that keep popping up and disappearing don't look threatening, my symptoms in my chest haven't subsided.  She has worked hard on my Lyme Disease and, Praise God, it is under control!  We really believe that is not the cause for the pain in my chest.  She is hoping that this better look will reveal the cause.

  When Shands called and set up my appointment, I knew it was from the Lord.  Whether this will be the avenue God uses to give me a concrete diagnosis, or whether this is just another test that we can cross off our list, I know God is in control.  I also know He hears the prayers of His people.  I humbly ask... Would you pray for me? 
~Pray for me to rest in His will.  My head knows that God's way is best, but sometimes my heart wants her own way.  My understanding is limited.  But God....He is the Great Physician!  And He is already in my tomorrow.
~Please pray for the Physicians as well.  Pray for eyes that can see clearly.  Pray for the Great Physician, our God, to be with them tomorrow.
~Pray that I will also have a boldness to give God the Glory.  God has placed me at Shands tomorrow and I don't want to miss an opportunity to share how good God is!

"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding."

Thank you dear friends. 


  1. So glad that you have the appointment tomorrow Kami. I join my prayers with others for those things you seek. May God grant our prayers. Hugs and blessings. xx

  2. We have been praying for you. I trust that you will get the answers you desire. He knows the desires of your heart.

  3. Praying for you to have peace and for the doctors to have wisdom.

  4. Oh, Kami, we will be praying too. May God give those doctors wisdom.
