
Sunday, July 16, 2017

My Girls 18th

We all had a really great time celebrating my Brenna's birthday.  Of course, it started off with presents!

I found this at the store and knew I had to get it for her. :o)  I'm forever telling my girls that they need to make a list!!

Then, we had a Settlers of Catan tournament.  We just can't seem to get enough of that game recently!

Then, it was off for some shopping time with our girl!  She is so much fun to shop with.  Our tastes really are so much the same.  She found some great deals!

Then, it was off to  dinner with just the birthday girl, my sweetie and me.  She picked a chinese/seafood buffet.

This girls loves her seafood.  Especially mussels.  She definitely ate her money's worth! :o)

To end the day we had birthday pie and sang to our birthday girl.

So my baby is 18.  So fast those years went.

I am so thankful for my Brenna.  But, I am thankful for the blessings of her teenage years. When my kiddos were little people would say, "Oh just wait until they are teenagers."  And then they would always talk about how awful it was.  I'm glad that I've found that isn't true at all.  The bond has only grown stronger. We love to do the same things.  Love to be together.  And enjoy the moments God has given us.  We have always been so close, but it amazes me how much closer we grow everyday.  My family is truly my best friends!


  1. Happy Birthday to Brenna! she is all grown up now :-) May she have many amazing experiences to look back on in her 18th year.

    Kami it came to me today why I so eagerly feel connected to your sweet children. I have my youngest cousin (daughter of my late uncle) and she is all grown up now. But when she was a young girl she looked exactly like your girl Callie. I don't have many photos of her and my photos are not altogether in one place but if I find one I will share with you via email. My cousin is all grown now with children of her own.

  2. Happy Birthday Brenna!!
    Thanks for posting!
