
Friday, July 7, 2017

A boy like his Dad

Hunting season is approaching.  My boys usually start getting hunting fever at the beginning of summer.  They watch deer and turkey come into our area, and soon the talk of supplies and strategies fill our home.

My Silas is turning out just like his Dad and brother.  He's going to be a hunter, too!  Several mornings he has asked if he can go out and "hunt."  He will sit in the front yard, in his camo, and watch the squirrels.  He also brings along his Bible and has his devotions.

Patrick has always enjoyed having his devotions in the woods, too.  There's something about being in the middle of God's creation, with only the sounds of birds, wind, and animals, that just sets the perfect tone for reading God' Word!

I'm not real sure how my peaches will do during hunting season.  For now, she watches Silas from the porch.  She's trying to figure out what he's doing!  And if she wants to join  him!

We are loving our life here in the woods in North Central Florida!


  1. So sweet! Thanks for posting!
    How big will your dog get?

    1. I'm not real sure how big peaches will be. She's definitely a mutt. We sure do love her!
