
Monday, July 3, 2017

Josh is 21!

 Some of my favorite memories are around this table!

It was so great to have my parents come for a quick visit on their way up north.  I love when they stop by.  We all do!  We enjoyed a big pancake breakfast together since it was also my Joshua's 21st birthday!  Happy Birthday Josh!

Looking at this picture sure does make me smile.  How blessed I am!

Joshua and Tabitha are loving married life and are a vital asset at VSIBC.  They have officially started the teen group and it is growing numerically and spiritually!  Joshua still preaches in Junior Church and leads the singing.  Tabitha is a wonderful helpmeet and helps Joshua in every ministry he is involved in.  She's a great nursery worker too! ;o)  And baby Gimenez is growing and expecting to make a grand appearance around Christmas time!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday to Josh!

    You do have a wonderful, supportive family and it's great that Tabitha fits right into that.

    Have a wonderful week Kami. xx

    p.s. Last week I learned that my government is going to be spending a lot of money to try and make progress on Lyme disease. In related news some of the country's top female singers (Shania Twain and Avril Lavigne) also have Lyme disease. This helps bring awareness to it though neither of them are spokespeople for it.
