
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Faith is the Victory Mission's Conference

 We love Mission's Conference!  We plan for it all year and are so excited to see what God is going to do!
This year we decided to feature 4 of our missionaries that we already support and have a table with their info and a dessert from their country.

Brenna was appointed to do Belarus.  Our missionaries, the Rene family, sent a recipe for a Napolean Cake.  It was a 14 layer cake with custard between each layer.  Brenna made it exactly as written and  it was amazing!  So delicious!  So, for the conference, she decided to make a bunch of little Napolean Cakes.   It was a lot of work, but they turned out adorable for her table!

 (Each of the layers had to be seperately baked)

 My Sunday School class adopted Canada.  They loved helping me to make the Canadian flag by using tiny pieces of construction paper.  It turned out great!

 The desserts turned out great and it was so fun sampling flavors from around the world!

 So....under the foil is Brenna's Mini Napolean Cakes.  Can you believe I didn't get a photo of the final product!! Ugh!!

 We had Bro. Bob Parker and his wife, Janice, come for the Conference.  They were such a blessing to us!  The preaching was exactly what we all needed!  Then, we had them come back to our place for Sunday lunch.  We had a good time "picking their brain" on many topics, especially child training.  All 5 of their adult daughters are serving God in church and several are full time ministry.  What a great example!

Then, it was time to announce what the people of VSIBC have purposed in their hearts, by faith, to give to missions this year.  We were so excited to announce that the Faith Promise commitment has increased over $400 per month compared to last year's goal!  Glory to God!
What a great Conference!!


  1. Wow! I love that your church leadership and members are so committed to missions. You've done an awesome job with highlighting the field of each of the missionaries you support and raising funds needed on the field. I enjoyed seeing the Canadian flag too ;-) God bless you all so much. xx

    1. It is such a blessing to be in a church with a giving heart! The Canada flag was so fun to make! I thought you would like it! :o)
