
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Welcome Shower for Liberty Anne

Time is getting closer for our little Liberty Anne to arrive!  Early on in the pregnancy, Beth told me that she's claiming doing Tabitha's shower.  She planned and planned and scoured Pinterest for ideas.  She went with a floral theme and it turned out so beautiful!

We had fun rearranging our furniture so that we could accomodate 30 dinner guests.  There were flowers and pink everywhere! 

 Brenna took the maternity photos for Tabitha and Josh.  She put them on a slide show and played them (along with Erin Paynes Lullaby CD) for the entire shower.  It was adorable!

 Beth also planned a cute diaper game/ guest book.

 The sign says:

Words for the Wee Hours
A word of encouragement, a chuckle or two, give the new mom a note just from you.  
Pick up a diaper and write on the booty.  Something to take her mind off the Doody!

So adorable!  I love the words of advice, encouragement, and silliness that the ladies wrote on there!

 We also had a sweet time of prayer for Tabitha and for Liberty.  It's such a blessing to hear ladies pray!

Beth also planned the "Dirty Diaper Game"  This is where she melted a different candy bar in three different diapers.  The ladies had to figure out which candy bar was in there.  It was quite hilarious!

 So thankful that my Aunt Florence could come for the shower!  I love any time that I get to catch up with her!

 I was so thankful that my friend Sarah was able to come all the way from Ocala.  Now, this girl isn't exactly an Eagles fan.  She's a fan for an enemy team.  You know you have a real friend when they buy what you want! :o)

 Sure do love the Fisher family and so thankful that the Lord has brought our families together!

 Me and my girls.  Can't wait for another Gimenez girl to be added to the picture soon!  I am loving this season of life!!


  1. So sweet!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. It looked like a fun shower! Liberty Anne is such a pretty name. When is she due?

  3. She is due December 20th and we are all so excited! It's going to be a fun filled Christmas! We were looking at our calendar and all the fun things planned and realizing that at a moment's notice things could change! :o)
