
Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Feeding them from a Coke Bottle!

 Our baby kids, Paddington and Suzy are growing and bouncing around and are now about 2 weeks old.  But being new to this we saw something we were concerned about.  Peggy (the Momma doe) would not be still and let the babes nurse.  We watched and watched.  Finally on day 2 of seeing the little ones follow her around, but not nurse we decided to start giving Peggy feed and keep a firm grip on her while they nursed.  This worked...for a minute or two. She did not like that.  We watched for a couple of more days and researched and finally decided we would need to supplement the milk they are getting.  Not our first choice of how we wanted to raise them, but we were getting concerned they weren't getting enough.

 Silas and I went to the store and got the necesarry supplies.  The cheapest way to feed them is to use a soda pop bottle.  Pretty neat, huh?

 It was quite an experience, that's for sure!  We read that it would be tough to get them to take the bottle.  Boy, is it ever!  By the second day they were starting to drink a little bit of milk.  But, really not that much.  They teethe on it more than anything.

We are now on day 3 with 3 feedings a day.  Wow, that takes some time!  But, my kiddos are loving it.  We're starting school 45 minutes later than normal, but they are learning so much!!  I love life on our little farm!

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