
Sunday, September 17, 2017


 The power is back on, and even though our area rivers are flooding, we are attempting to get back to normal.  We did school for the past couple of days.
But, I thought I would post about our time after Irma.

It was a blessing to be able to evacuate to Josh's office.  We knew we couldn't stay in our mobile home during the storm.  Josh's office has concrete walls and floors.  Wow, those floors were hard during the night!!  But, we were safe.  And thankful.

As the sun came up Sunday morning, the eye went over where we were as a category one. Not nearly as bad as it was expected.  As Patrick checked the radar, he saw that the storm was breaking up on the other side of the eye.  After waiting a little longer, we knew the worst was over and my husband was itching to check on our home.  He and Josh left.  It took them a while to get back to our place.  There were many trees covering the roads.  Patrick had his chainsaw and cut as he went.  As he and Josh pulled into our driveway, they saw many limbs, leaves and twigs littering the yard.  Then, he could see our house.  It was safe and untouched!  Praise the Lord!

Then, they glanced at Joshua and Tabitha's camper.  It was standing, and untouched as well.  Thank you God!  They were so happy!

Shortly after, they came to get us and we went back home to a powerless house.  No electricity.  Or water.  But, we were prepared, and the days ahead without power went well and our generator was a huge blessing!  

We had hampers and bins filled up with plenty of water so we could flush when we needed to.

We were able to keep our fridge running and flip over to the pump when we needed a quick, albeit freezing-cold, shower.  Patrick began checking on the precious people of VSIBC and helping around the neighborhood in any way he could.  I'm so thankful for my husband's servant's heart!

Joshua also picked up some of these battery power light switches.  They light up a room very well!  He also taught us a little trick.  If you prop up a flashlight to face a gallon jug of water, it lights up the jug and it will light up the room as well!  So neat!

My little ones tasted spaghetti-os for the first time!  They've been missing out!

And we had plenty of vienna sausages on hand.

We did lots and lots of coloring and playing games.

We played with our new baby goats, Paddington and Suzy.

They are so playful and getting plenty of attention from everybody!

Come dinner time, we actually ate quite well!  We grilled burgers and chicken and sausages.  Brenna even mastered the art of heating water on the grill burner so she could make some sweet tea.  It was amazing!

The boys threw the football and Silas enjoyed having some extra time with his hero/big brother.

The laundry hamper filled up quickly.  But, there were many blessings. We had time with each other.  We made memories. And we were safe.

Praise God for His protection, and seeing us through this storm!

1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord! I'm so glad He kept y'all safe!
    Thanks for keeping us updated!
