Saturday, December 23, 2017
A Piece of Home every Christmas
Growing up, Christmas was always a big deal. We celebrated all month long, and Mom and Dad made it so special.
We always decorated the tree together and it was so fun to see ornaments I had made as a little girl that still had a prominent, proud place on our tree. My job was to put the star on top. Dad would lift me up and help me. I have many memories of hearing them secretly put together toys on Christmas Eve night and checking on us girls to make sure we weren't peeking. We always left cookies and milk (sometimes coke :o) for our Santas. And they always made sure to eat some with crumbs left on the plate.
Christmas morning would always be very early. Mom would always hurry to play Christmas music and turn on all the lights when we came out. The atmosphere was perfect. There was so much excitement as we opened the gifts from Mom and Dad. Then, my Dad would flip (literally) pancakes for us....sweet memories.
Since marrying my sweetheart, I haven't had many Christmases at "Home." Instead, I've tried to make my new home a place like I remember as a little girl...full of laughter, Christmas traditions and memories. I think I've been family loves Christmas.
But, still, this time of year my mind floats back to when I was a little girl and with each passing year, I realize how much love I was given growing up. And how my parents were amazing.
Knowing I still have a piece of my heart at "Home" this time of year, my parents started doing something after I first left and was married. It always surprises me when they remember. It always makes me cry. And it always, always lets me know that I will always be Mom and Dad's little girl.
So, yesterday I opened a package I received in the mail. It was a piece of their Christmas tree. Every year when they chop off a piece of the bottom to make the tree fresh, my parents send that piece to me.
Every year I have a piece of "Home" in my home every Christmas. And my heart is full. And I am so very blessed.
That is so special! Hope y'all have a blessed Christmas!
What a wonderful way to keep the memories alive. Hugs. xx Merry Christmas!