
Thursday, December 21, 2017

Liberty Anne is Here!

Thank you so much to everyone who prayed for Tabitha as she gave birth to Liberty Anne!  Tabitha did amazing and God answered so many prayers!!

Saturday night at the Christmas party, we could tell Tabitha was growing more uncomfortable.  Sunday it was even worse.  We all knew the time was getting close.  Monday morning about 6am she woke up to consistent, 6 minute apart contractions.  After a midwife appointment, she was 1 cm dilated.  So, they decided to finish up some Christmas shopping, do some walking, and take a nice nap.  When I saw Tabitha that afternoon, she was uncomfortable, having contractions, but coping very well.  What a girl!

 Before bed I told Josh to please text me if they call the midwife to come.  I confess....I looked out my window at their camper several times through the night.  All was quiet. 

 At 3 am we got a text that the midwife was on the way.  So exciting!  Shortly after the midwife arriving (Tabitha planned on having a homebirth) Josh came over and said the midwife wants him to boil water.  I laughed...don't they only do that in the olden days?  Actually, their water heater gave out in the middle of filling the birth pool, so they needed hot water to fill it.  It was just what this Grandma and Grandpa to be needed.  We filled water, boiled and toted it next door and put it on Josh's car.  We wanted to give them privacy.  We did this over and over and giggled and laughed and prayed and grew more and more excited.  What a good memory!

Tabitha labored throughout the day.  What a tough girl!  At one point she and Josh came out and walked around our circle driveway.  She was in so much pain.  She had 8 contractions in the time it took them to walk around once.  It was hard to watch, but she did amazing!

Then, we received a text from Josh.  She's here!

After a very long labor....Liberty Anne was born at 2:52pm!  

 She weighed 8 lbs and 13 ounces.  Joshua and Tabitha had time to adore their baby girl for a bit.  The midwife checked her out and she is so healthy and doing great.  We tried out hardest to be patient. We were all dying to see here!  After the midwife left, Josh and Tabitha and baby Liberty came over to Lolli and Pops house!  That's the beauty of feel pretty amazing afterward!

Seeing our baby boy walk up our porch with a beautiful baby was a surreal moment.  I looked at Patrick and saw tears in his eyes.  This is a memory I will never forget.  Josh was so proud!

Soooo, here you go...lots of pics of my granddaughter,
 Liberty Anne Gimenez

 Can you tell we are all in love?  God is so good!!


  1. What a sweet baby! I have a deep respect for Tabitha hanging in there for so long1 God bless her!

  2. She is beautiful and so much hair! Congratulations! So happy for you all.

  3. Congratulations Grandma!! She is so cute! Praise the Lord everything went well!

  4. Wow! What a sweet little baby girl. She has such a full head of hair and can already wear a ribbon. I'm glad the birth went well. I always think women/mothers who do home births are very brave. But what a gift to all of you to be able to see and hold baby so soon. God bless you all. xx
