
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Happy 43rd and Wow! What a season!

What a birthday for my sweetie!  The day before was an Eagles game.  Everyone reading should know that my husband is a fan.  Let me rephrase that....he's a HUGE fan!  It was almost a requirement for marriage and I quickly learned that I must be an Eagles fan, too! :o)  We love our football season!  and we love our Eagles!  So...since they were playing a BIG game the day before his birthday, we decided to celebrate!

What a game!  It was down to the last play against the Falcons.  It was so close! And quite stressful. But, we're excited to say that they won!

Chocolate for my Sweetie.  His favorite.

 My parents bought him an Eagles watch for Christmas and texted to make sure he wore it for the game.  He did! :o)  Notice the wrapping paper on the floor?  We told him that everytime the Eagles scored he could open a gift.  That was fun!  Happy Birthday to my sweetheart!

And after the game on Sunday against the Vikings....we are off to the Superbowl!  Well...our team is.  We'll watch from our couch after church on Superbowl Sunday. :o)

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday to your hubby! It looks like he had a very fun time :-)
