
Wednesday, January 24, 2018

My Blog

I have loved having the hobby of blogging.  It was about 10 years ago that my sister started her blog.  I loved reading her posts on her family and her fun ideas.  We were on deputation at the time and I was missing family and enjoying any connection I could have with them.  So, I decided to start blogging.

  I blogged about my 3 kiddos (just 3 then!) little they were!  I blogged about food and recipes I was trying.  I blogged about homeschooling, family fun nights and fun things we were doing. I blogged devotions and things the Lord was doing in my heart.  I blogged about our depuation journey, language school, getting to the mission field, and then returning back with medical issues. I've blogged about starting a church in America and the adventure we've had in the process. I've blogged about buying our home and making it ours.  I've kept our supporting churches informed and met many new friends along the way.  I've blogged about 3 of my kiddos births, 3 graduations, 1 wedding, and the birth of my first grandbaby.  I have loved blogging. 

Last month I received a couple of emails that made me feel uncomfortable.  They could be nothing.  But, after checking traffic sources and daily stats of my blog, we just didn't feel things seemed right.  We prayed about it and felt that for now we need to make my blog private.  I'm not sure how long it will be private.  Maybe always.  Maybe a week.  We're not sure.  We know that our faces and names and info are already on the internet even without my blog.  Being a missionary and raising support means putting your name and face out there as you seek support.  So, we definitely aren't shielded completely even with my blog private.  But, for now we will keep it this way for a bit.  At least until the Lord tells us otherwise.

I wish I had a way to notify all my faithful readers and all my prayer warriors that have prayed for us.   For now, I can only notify who I know to, and do what I need to to keep my famiy safe.

So, I will still blog.  I love keeping my memories here! 
Pray with us, please.  Pray for safety in this wicked world we live in.

I truly am blessed with many supportive friends and family.

Grace and Blessings,


  1. I pray that it will be safe for you to continue blogging. It was most upsetting read your blog one day and find it gone the next.
    May God grant you wisdom concerning your blog.

  2. I'm so glad you made the blog public again. I enjoyed following your family's adventures and was sad when I went to look at your blog one morning and it was gone. The internet is a great thing, but it can also be ugly. I understand why you felt the need to go offline for a while but I'm so happy you're back!

  3. Thank you for adding me. Praying for safety for your family.
