
Saturday, July 7, 2018

Overcoming Worry

A Momma's mind on any given day can go to many places.  As we care for our little tribe and try to meet all their needs, our mind becomes a jumbled mess at times and full of "care" and worry.  My Silas and Callie just returned from their first time away at Junior Camp.  Oh What fun they had!  But while they were gone, my mind began to run away with worry.

~Would the van make it there safely?
~Would they be watched well?
~Would they take care of their things and body, or be known as the messy, smelly kid?
~Would they pass the swim test?
~Would they have nightmares?

And this small list is just a fraction of thoughts I experienced on the first day!!

When I began to have my devotions and I just so happened to be in Philippians 4, I knew I needed to take some time to study the verses out.  They were just for me.

Be careful for nothing;  but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.  Philippians 4:6

Care.  That's what I was full of.  And God was telling me not to be.  I knew I needed to study this.  Matthew Henry said that the "CARE" mentioned here is not diligence, which is our duty as Mommas.  It's not talking about wise and due concern.  But it is a care of distrust.  It is worrying that all outcomes will be bad.  This kind of "care" only distracts and perplexes us.  It doesn't accomplish only hinders a good outcome.

So, how do I overcome having this sort of "care" and worry overwhelm me?

     *In Everything- realize that no problem is too big or too small for God.  From my children                    passing swim tests to keeping them safe, He can handle it!

     *Prayer-this is a general act of devotion. It means that our eyes are on God.  When we keep our              eyes on Him, then everything is in its proper perspective.

     *Supplication- seeking and asking for our needs.  Making requests to God.  God wants us to ask           Him to take care of our children!

     *With Thanksgiving-I heard a preacher once say, "Gratitude produces contentment"  How true!             When we are thankful for things that are causing us to worry, we are exercising our faith.  And           God delights in our faith!  And it causes His hand to move.

I knew this was what I needed to do.  That week while the kids were at camp, I tried to keep my eyes on the Lord and know that He was in control.  I brought all my cares to Him.  I told Him all about the little things, like swim tests and picking up dirty clothes.  I told Him all about the big things, like safety and being watched well.  I knew that the Lord wanted them to go to camp.  So, it was time that I trust Him with it.  Then, I thanked Him for the experience they would have.  And for working on their little hearts.  And for working on mine, too.

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4: 7

When we follow God's instructions for how to handle worry, then the next verse becomes real and God gives us peace.  Peace.  Exactly what a worrying heart needs.  Especially this Momma's heart.  So thankful God gives me exactly what I need and exactly when I need it!!

By the way....the kiddos had a great week at camp.  But that's for another post!


  1. A good post dear Kami. I'm glad you were able to get your mind stayed on God. It can be a big worry when you are a mom of little ones (and big ones). I'm glad the kiddos had a great week.

  2. Thank you Mami for this post. It spoke directly to my heart as I was struggling so much with my thoughts today. God bless you.
    Ana....a long time reader

    1. Just noticed my phone corrected Kami and put Mami instead.... Which means mommy in Spanish... Sorry about that!
