
Monday, July 9, 2018

Welcome Trixie!

Last September we had our surprise birth of two kids, Paddington and Suzy.  We didn't even know that Peggy was expecting!  We sure are learning a lot on this goat adventure. 

 For a while we were just down to Jenna and Paddington.  Then, as we looked into adding more goats and possibly making them financially profitable, we knew we needed to stick to one breed of goat.  Or maybe two.  Patrick likes the boer goats.  And they really bring the most money in this area.  Jenna is a nubian, which is a a really great breed for milking. (or so we've been told.)  That meant that Paddington was a little unusual for our growing herd. We also knew that we really didn't need 3 males.  After talking it over with Silas, he decided we should sell Paddington and look for a boer/nubian  female goat.  Even though it was his decision, it was a little hard on auction day.  I think I had a harder time than Silas!  

After Paddington was sold, it was time to look for a new goat.  We found this cutie and Silas decided that she was the one.

She was a little skiddish when we bought her, but would come to the shake of a grain bucket.  Silas named her Trixie. :o)  We let her get used to us for a couple of days and tried to pet her.  We also kept her away from our other goats to make sure she was well.

Poor thing would "baaa" for the other goats.  It was sad.  After a couple days, we decided to add her to the herd.  Of course, the 2 bigger female goats pick on her plenty.  Poor girl.  But, she's fitting right in and she loves Silas!

Welcome to Storybook Farms, Trixie!

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