
Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Eagles quilt on the way!

With Summer coming to an end I start drawing up schedules and plans for the school year. I love this time of year!

It's so strange, you would that summer would mean lots of free time and lots of time for hobbies and such. But it actually doesn't somehow work out that way. Yes, we've had some sleeping in days filled with library books and time in the pool. It has been so wonderful!! Lazy? Actually no. We've been busier than ever!

But as the school year comes around so does time planning. And when I schedule out my time that I usually have more time for some Hobbies. I've got to tell you I've gotten the quilting bug :-). Thanks Mom!

I have so many projects floating around in my head but before I get to those I want to finish up a couple that I had started a few years ago and never finished. Patrick keeps on asking where is his eagles quilt that I have started? So I pulled it out of my drawer and laid it all out. The sad part about it is I ran out of fabric. And that was 3 years ago. The chances of finding the proper Fabrics to finish up this quilt the way it should look is next to nil. So I got some of the extra scraps and the extra pieces and showed it to Patrick and we've come up with a plan. Looking forward to finishing this up. It's going to be a great fall!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful gift that will be! I haven't made it quilt in a long time. It's too hot here to even think about sewing, lol.
