
Sunday, August 5, 2018

Summer to do's....almost done!

Summer is coming to an end. The time for summer goals to be finished is very close. As I looked over my list I realized something I have on my list is to get caught up on the kids albums.

Sad to say I am quite behind! I love having my kids memories caught up and each of them having albums of their own with special days and special pictures and artwork that they've made. I love the feeling of having it all caught up! But sad to say putting it all together is not always my favorite thing to do. I always have the feeling I'm forgetting something that I ought to remember and write down in their book. Then I always feel bad because I didn't keep up with it better. And then I always always always get a little sentimental seeing how quickly my children are growing and how independent they're starting to come.

No longer are the days where I lay out their clothes and plan every activity they do. There's much more independent time where they complete their chores and play together. Of course they still need Momma, but just in a different way. Sniff sniff

So I made some time and got this special activity crossed off my summer to-do list. What a wonderful feeling!

Just curious. How do you all do with memories for your children? Scrapbooking? Albums? Anything in particular? I would love to hear how other people do this. I think the important thing is to have something special for each child whether it's a memory box or a memory book. But even more important than that is creating the memories together. Time sure is precious. And very fleeting.


  1. You are a wonderful mama to put together these albums for your children even when you don't feel like it. As I have no children I haven't done it. My nephews do look to me to save photos for them and tell them family history and my niece who visits every year also loves me to do that for her. I got my love of photography from my mom who loved to document her life but that was in the days before digital photos and many of them simply cannot be enlarged. In fact, baby brother destroyed many of them when he was in his terrible two phase, lol. If you are not up to making albums with so many photos, then perhaps a memory box where you place mementos and special photos could be a nice compliment. Enjoy the rest of your summer dear Kami.

  2. For a number of years I so badly tried to keep up with the children's albums and just couldn't. I did have a file for each of them though. It was easy to put in a picture or something that I wanted to add to their album when the time came. Eventually, when I did get around to it, the files were great to have.

  3. I haven't done we'll getting pictures printed ou though I also want to get caught up on that. I keep a journal for each child though and every so often I write entries in their journals. They know that when they grow up, they get to have their journal as a record of their childhood and letters from Mom.

    1. I love the idea of journaling for them! I did a lot more letters to Josh, and then some to the little three have very few. I need to do that more!
