
Saturday, August 18, 2018

How To Encourage Your Pastor (From the Pastor's Wife point of view)

Not too long ago, I posted about how encouraging our people are to their pastor, my husband.  Patrick and I have been "in the minstry" for about 21 years.  But out of that time, he's only pastored for 3 1/2 years.  I guess Victory Springs is sort of like having a first born.  They grow as we are learning. :o)  God has truly blessed us with wonderful people that love the Lord and love our family, as well.

  I started thinking about a post on "How to Encourage Your Pastor" when we received several texts from our church members when Patrick was preaching out of town.  I saw how encouraging that was to  my preacher hubby, so I began thinking about posting on this subject.  So much of what I have learned, I learned from the people God has called us to.

I could do a whole post on the WHYS of encouraging your Pastor, but I think most of us know why he needs encouraging.  I thought, as a Pastor's Wife, I would post the "HOW" to encourage him.

1. Pray for your Pastor Satan is after him.  He'd like nothing more than to discourage him throughout the week and especially before he preaches.  Pray for him throughout the week.  Pray for him before he preaches.  We need to hear from God through the preaching of His Word.  Pray for the one God has called to deliver that message to you.

2. Help limit distractions during preaching.  Have you ever gotten up to give a testimony, or sing a special and your eye catches a couple whispering, or someone getting up to go to the bathroom, or papers rattling?'s distracting!  Imagine getting up for 30-45 minutes (or longer ;o) )  and having all sorts of distractions.  It's hard to focus!  Help your preacher by having everything ready to go so that when it's time to hear the preaching, you're all set.  It's not time for finding pens, papers, opening candy, getting coloring pages for your kiddos, etc.  It's time to sit and listen.   Use the restroom beforehand.  Have your children use the restroom beforehand.  Lets be honest.  Most of us can sit through a whole movie without moving or getting up.  I think we can do it for the preaching.  Your kids can, too.

3. Take Notes.  We usually forget what we hear.  I know I do!  If we write it down, we will remember it and put it into action.  Your Preacher is encouraged when you are engaged in the sermon and taking notes.

4.Be faithful and involved.  Nothing discourages a preacher more than people who are hit and miss.  People that aren't dependable to come to church faithfully, every time the doors are open, make the preacher feel he has failed to reach you and encourage you.  You are definitely missing out on the message God ordained to give you for the week.

5. Don't approach the Preacher with an urgent matter before he preaches.  Whatever matter you bring to him will be on his mind throughout the message.  He needs to focus on delivering what God would have him to.  Make an appointment and talk with him during the week. 

6. Remember that he is human.  And humans fail.  There will be times that he may say something he wished he wouldn't have.  Or he may put his foot in his mouth.  Be forgiving.

7. Assume the best.  Preachers are not out to offend you.  They love you.  They do want to bring the message God would have them to.  Don't assume that they are out to "get you" or that they even know the struggles you faced that week.

8. Go to the Preacher If you have something that has hurt you or offended you, try to get over it.  If you can't and it still bothers you, go to the Preacher and talk it over.  Not to others.  Too often we hear that someone is hurt from another person.  That ought not to be so.  If you have a problem, come to him.  That is the Biblical way to handle it.

9.  Find out what he wants to be called.  Your preacher ought to be respected.  Just as you wouldn't call our president, Don, or you wouldn't call your teacher by their first name, you shouldn't call the preacher by his first name.  He may prefer Pastor.  He may prefer Preacher.  Find out what his preference is.

10. Respect that he is a man and wants to protect his marriage and family.  Preachers don't need to counsel woman alone, or have private time with them.  Respect that.

11.  Give the preacher a day off.  For my husband, he tries to take Mondays off.  Try to be mindful of that.  If at all possible, try not to call on those days.  Of course he wants to be notified if someone is in the hospital or there is an emergency.  But, other than that he needs time with his family and to recoop from a busy week.  He really is on call day and night.  It's 
nice to have a day to unwind.

12.  Love his family.  When you love on them, you're loving on him and he is very thankful. Remember also that his wife and kids are human,too.  They don't have it all together. His children disobey sometimes, just like yours do.  His wife burns the dinner sometimes and has laundry on the couch. There are matters they are working on and they are growing closer to the Lord
 just as you are. Give them grace.

13.  Remember, he loves his people.  God has put a special place in his heart for the flock God has called him to. It really is a calling. You are his family and he is blessed to have you!  Love him back.  Write him notes.  Tell him you enjoyed his message.  Bring him his favorite chocolate. (His wife wouldn't mind some of her favorite, too ;o) )  Purpose to be positive about him to others.

I think about the Pastors God has put in my life.  I'm so thankful for each one.  We truly are blessed!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading this post. I've often wondered about this topic and have never heard anyone give some real thought to it. Blessings to you Kami and your dear family and husband who is called to be a pastor during this season. I know you all have a very loving heart and that comes across in everything you say and do on the blog and I'm sure in person as well. Much love ♥
