
Monday, August 20, 2018

I told you so!

In my last post I mentioned how to encourage your Pastor.  I did a little bragging on the people of VSIBC and how encouraging and wonderful they are to my whole family.  Well, they did it again!  Joshua told us to not ask any questions but to arrive at church Sunday night later than usual.  That killed us!  But, we did good and arrived at 5:55 like we were told.  When we got there, everyone was there and as we walked in the church is was decorated and everyone was standing and hollered, "Surpirse!"  They planned a very sweet Pastor Appreciation Service!

Everyone worked very hard, but Joshua led everything.  To say we are proud of our son is an understatement.  He is a model Assistant to the Pastor and Youth Director.  He works tirelessly and has such passion for the Lord!  

They sang our favorite hymns, Haven of Rest and Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.

They gave us a very generous love offering.

Then, they gave testimonies.  Oh me oh my...I boo hooed like crazy!  These people are so dear to our heart, and they are so loving!

God really knew who we needed when He called us to High Springs!

Then, they played a slide show while Tabitha sang a song about "The Man of God"  It was so special and touching.  Such a precious memory!!

Then, Joshua presented Patrick with something he wrote.  It was signed by all the men of our church pledging to stand behind their Pastor and encourage him and pray for him.  This is something we will treasure.  I can't describe the emotion that we felt.  We have an amazing church!

Then, we went to the back for cake and tea.  They had bought groceries for us to fill our pantry.  There was all of our favorites...chocolate, soda....all the goodies!

We are truly blessed with thoughtful people.  I told you they were an encouragement to us!  Isn't it funny how we cry when we are happy!?  My tears are still glistening with joy.  I can't even describe how special these people are to us.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing. Just love this story and how your Assistant Pastor and congregation showed such love and encouragement. I know I would have been bawling (tears of joy and gratitude) if I was there :-)
