
Monday, January 14, 2019

2019 Here We Come!!

Well, 2019 is here!  If you've read my blog before, you know that I LOVE to set goals for the year.  I LOVE it!  I love the feeling of a fresh slate to fill with wonderful things!  I also love to share my goals.  It keeps me accountable and makes me eager to complete the things on my list.

I've always been goal oriented, but the past few years I've slowed down on too many goals.  I don't want it to be a wish list, but more of a realistic aim for the year.  So after prayer and thought, my goals for 2019 are:

~Stop and smell the Peppermint.  For our Christmas party I made the theme to be peppermints and printed out a sign that said "Stop and smell the peppermint!"  I loved it!  And it was a good reminder to stop and enjoy the moments, people and things that God has given me.  Life is whizzing by.  I want to make sure that I'm stopping and enjoying the journey along the way!

(Love this new sign that my Mom gave me for Christmas! Perfect for displaying my theme for the year!!)

~Read and study the New Testement chronologically, and encourage the ladies of VSIBC to do the same.  Last year I did the same Bible schedule with a few others.  It was such a blessing!! We were able to keep each other accountable and talk about what the Lord worked on our hearts about for the day.  I knew I wanted to do that again this year and encourage the ladies of church to join me.  Many are coming along with me as I read through the NT chronologically.  I also encouraged them to look for a theme or key word that they have chosen as they read.  I have chosen to look for things having to do with "moments" or time that we spend.

~Read 5 Spiritual Books.  I had to limit it down to 5.  I have so many books on my nightstand!  I need to pick the 5 that would be good for me to read this year.  When I do,  I'll post about it.

~Be diligent to help Silas, Callie and Micah through Piano Book One.  I have given them lessons here and there, but haven't been diligent about consistency.  It's time!

~Memorize the events of the life of Christ in order.  In Beth and Brenna's Life of Christ class for college, they were required to memorize the events of Christ.  It was so interesting!! I knew I wanted to do it to!  This goal is going to take some effort, but I know it will be worth it!

~Make the quilt "Summerville" (You can find a link to the PDF pattern here.)  I love to quilt!!  But lately I just haven't made the time to.  So, I want to change that.  For Christmas I bought my Mom and I the same quilt pattern from one of our favorite quilters, Camille Roskelley.  I gave Mom instructions that  it must be completed before the first day of summer. I know you're probably thinking "Only one quilt in 6 months?"  But, with the pace of my life in the season I am in, I think that is a good goal.  Plus, this quilt will push my skills a bit.  I am so excited about this.  I just bought the fabric and went out on a limb with what I picked.  I think it's going to turn out great!!  I'll share as I go along.

What a year it's going to be!  So, what about you?  Any other goal setters out there?  I'd love to hear about them!

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