
Sunday, January 13, 2019

His Office for the week

What a week this has been!  My poor sweetie has been in a good bit of pain.  He had his appointment with the Orthopedic and it was confirmed (and clarified) that he has a partially torn Achilles tendon.  I didn't realize this tendon runs up through the leg and into the calf area.  This is where his is torn.  The doctor gave us strict instructions for Patrick to not bear any weight on that leg for 2 weeks.  He must be in a boot for 4 weeks and then he will return to the Orthopedic for an MRI to check the progress on healing and to see if physical therapy is needed.

Since my sweetie hadn't been out of the house in days, and we were in Gainesville for his appointment, he wanted to run to Harbor Freight.  Poor thing, I don't think it was as fun as he had anticipated.  He's still in so much pain and walked in, (or should I say hobbled) and then went right out.

So this has been his office for the week.  He's studied, read, and made phone calls all from his recliner.  A lot of the time we have his leg on ice. 

It has been quite a week!  Glad to see that handsome smile on this face though!


  1. Praying for you and your family!!
    Glad you've been able to have a quiet week though! :)
    The Mayos

  2. Poor guy. Praying for y'all!
