
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

One Month Left...

That's all we have.  Just one month left of summer.  Part of me is glad.  I know that sounds terrible.  I love summertime with my kiddos and the extra time spent on learning new things around the house.  I love time at the park and learning new skills.  I love days where we just do whatever.  But, this year, well...this year is 2020.  I don't think that needs any further explanation. :o)
But, while part of me is glad, the other part of me wants to soak up every minute left and enjoy it.  There's still so much to do!  We haven't been to the parks much.  It has been so hot!  And with my infusions now at every 3 weeks it's imperative that I don't sweat to bring on a migraine.  So, park time is on hold until the Fall.  So, what do we have left to do this summer?  I put together a little goal chart, so here we go!

Last Month of Summer Goals
Teach Callie how to sew a skirt from a pattern
Finish reading "The King's Daughter Is All Glorious Within"  and "Hands Free Mama"
Callie and Micah finish Piano Book One
Go Kayaking at least 3 more times
Finish Hiding Place with Family
Teach S,C, & M to sing harmony
Plan a Vacation or Staycation for the week before School
Swim in the pool plenty

So, there we go!  One month of memories. One month to soak in the sun and soak in the blessings that God has given me!


  1. Our summer is winding down too, and I am not ready for it to end. Our school books are on a ship right now and we will start when they get here. In the meantime I am trying to knock out projects too. :)

  2. I have not done one thing to enjoy the summer season. Hopefully I will do something simple like going to relax at the park on a sunny day. It is somewhat challenging here given the parks are the place everyone else is going but I need to do something like that before the Fall and Winter arrive. Enjoy the month ahead and keep cool :)
