
Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Praying for the One

I'll admit it.  When Joshua first started seeking out Tabitha and began a relationship with her, it was (how shall I put it?) new territory for all of us.  It took prayer and wisdom navigating the days ahead.  Joshua knew after he first saw Tabitha that she was the one for him.  Things with their relationship seemed to flow naturally and when he proposed we all knew it was the Lord's will, for sure!  It was amazing, as a parent, to see God working in the life of your grown-up child.

Fast forward a couple of years to present day.  We now have Beth and Brenna.  Beth is 22 and Brenna is 21.  We are in NO WAY hoping they will move out and get married.  My husband often has tears when we think about that day.  But, we know that one day soon their Prince Charming will come along, sweep them off their feet, and they will be out of the house, too.  Just like Joshua.  We have raised our girls to be a wife and Momma that honors their husband and honors the Lord.  But, for now, I am enjoying having my girls that are also 2 of my closest friends, living in our home and sharing their days and times with us.  It is a treasure that I am cherishing.

I wrote not too long ago about the series that Brenna is doing on her blog about praying for your future husband.  She just finished it up and it is so good!  I am proud of her and the faith that she is showing as she waits for her future spouse.  She has learned a lot in the past few years, and God is doing a great work in her heart.  It's also amazing how that many young ladies have been reading her blog and have contacted her on what a blessing it is to them.  Girls needs to read things like what she is posting. As I've watched Christian teen girls and young adults, they seem to be lacking clear direction and Godly influences in their lives.  It seems like their faith is shaky and when a young man comes along and shows interest in them, they quickly give up their standards and compromise their beliefs so they can please him.  When instead they should be striving to please, Him, our Lord and Savior.  Patience seems to be lacking as I hear of more and more young people making mistakes in the 2nd most important decision they will ever make: whom they will marry.  (The first most important decision is to accept Christ as their Savior!) Brenna has a quote on her latest post. She says,
"Wait for God's best! You will never regret passing up a good guy for God's best guy."

So True!  Here is the series on "Praying for the One"  If you get a chance leave her a comment of encouragement, or share with a young adult.  I know it will be a blessing!

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful parents you are and what wonderful daughters you are raising. I know Brenna's posts will be such a blessing to so many young people.
