...But I think this way is my favorite!
Monday, October 31, 2022
Pastor Appreciation
Every year during October our church spoils us. They make us feel like we are celebreties. We are so undeserving to serve alongside these amazing people. So blessed we are!
This year they had us sit on the 3rd row. That was strange. We never sit there. I don't know why but it made us all laugh. But, we did as we were told.
They gave me a giftcard to Cheesecake Factory. Yay!!!
And a nice giftcard to a local salon. Manicure here I come!
Then they decided to take up $10 giftcards to give to my kiddos. All in all there were over $900 of giftcards they were able to split. Wow!!
We truly are blessed to serve with an amazing group of people. They love us so much and we are so grateful!!
Thursday, October 27, 2022
Cutting the Apron Strings
1. Pray for them
So now we know what our pupose is and what it is not. But do you have a plan? Here are a few things I've learned:
~Initiate. They don't have to always be the ones to initiate contact. I hear too often from other ladies, "My son doesn't call me." "My daughter doesn't come by to see me." Do you call them? Do you go see them? Don't act as if they "owe" you. Just as they needed one on one time when they were little, they still need that time now. But, life gets busy and will pass us by. Invite them out for coffee. Invite them to come over and make their favorite meal or dessert. It's worth it!
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Brenna's progress
I had someone recently ask me for another update on Brenna. She looked so beautiful Sunday, so I just had to post this picture. She looks healthy and getting back to normal. What a scare we had last month! But, praise the Lord, her blood pressure has regulated, her headaches have decreased some, her swelling has gone down, and she is just doing really great. And that little Asa has my heart! He has the cutest expressions, He's the cutest grumpy baby :o)
She is still on seizure protocol, and being careful. She had a sobering visit with her doctor recently about everything that had happened. We praise the Lord for his protection on her life!
I feel like my blog has become a medical prayer journal lately, but I am thankful to have friends praying.
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Thank you for your prayers!!
Thank you so much for praying for my Dad. It was a comfort to know that I could put out a message and have people praying.
Dad is doing better!! I am so thankful! The ambulance took him to his local hospital, which is a good place. But, it wasn't the best place for him after just having surgery to remove lung cancer. Things were pretty scary hearing what was going on. They didn't want to keep him long, so at 3 AM they transferred him 2 hours north to the Moffet Cancer Center in Tampa where he had had his surgery. They are amazing there and quickly started caring for my Dad. A couple of days later and he has improved so much!! I even talked to him last night on the phone and it was so good to hear his voice. I cherish that.
Thank you again for your prayers!
Saturday, October 22, 2022
Prayers for Dad
Please, blogging friends, pray for my Dad. He was doing so well after his surgery, but soon after started swelling. He did go home with tubes but has been very uncomfortable and in a lot of pain. This afternoon my Mom had to call the ambulance. He is now in the hospital and running a fever.
Please pray.
Pray for the doctors to have wisdom.
Pray for the right medicine to be given to him.
Pray for the doctors to communicate well and work in coordination with his doctors in Tampa at the Moffitt Cancer center.
Pray for the infection to leave his body.
Pray for him to have rest and to not be in so much pain.
And pray for my mom as she's trying to be strong for him but I know it's hard on her as well.
I'm blessed to have a good group of friends that I know will be praying. Prayerfully I'll have a wonderful update very soon.
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
A full front row
I started praying several years ago for a certain request. But to fully explain I must rewind about 40+ years. My family had just moved to Fort Myers. My Mom was looking for a church for her and her girls to attend. She tried several but just didn't find the right fit. Then one day my cousin invited her to Winkler Road Baptist Church. She went hoping this would be the church she could call home. She enjoyed it that day. There were many things about that church that she loved, but do you know the thing that most caught her eye and captured her heart? The front of the church. The front rows held the teenagers. Their youth group was up front, close to the preaching and ready to hear the Word of God. My Mom liked that and knew she wanted that for her daughters. So that became our church home!
When we started Victory Springs I knew I wanted our teens to sit in the front. I want them to be hungry to hear the Word of God. I began praying for a front row full of teen boys specifically. (Although now I've made that prayer even more specific to say, "front row of preacher boys." But that will come!)
Not too long ago I had a horrible migraine and it happened to be on a Sunday. I was so disappointed that I couldn't go to church. It started to ease up a little by church time so I was able to turn on our livestream. And I saw that God is so good and answers prayer. I counted 11 teenage boys sitting in front at church. The camera didn't pick up the other side that held 5 teenage girls up front. That right there is an answer to prayer.
I'm thankful for a great group of young people striving to serve the Lord. I'm thankful that on Sunday morning there is a quest to make sure they get to the front and reserve their seat. I'm thankful for a full church with few spots open. VSIBC is growing! Praise the Lord!
Sunday, October 16, 2022
A word we didn't want to hear
They quickly got him into Moffet Cancer Center in Tampa. They are known for being one of the best. On the day of the surgery Beth and I were able to go and be in the waiting room with my Mom and two of my sisters. It was hard waiting, that's for sure. When they called us into a private room to talk with the doctor, it scared us! There was panic in each of our eyes. The first thing the doctor said was, "It went very well!" We were so thankful!!
Even though the surgery went very well, they did have to remove half of his lung and some lymph nodes. They are still waiting until pathology comes back to determine if he needs chemo.
This is my Dad the next day. Doesn't he look great!! I'm so thankful!
Prayers appreciated in the days ahead as my Dad recovers. I sure do love this man!!
Saturday, October 15, 2022
Just in Time!
I posted not too long ago that our church is looking for a new location. Our new building isn't done yet, and the one we are renting has been sold. We had 60 days to find a new location. Living in a small town, there weren't many options for a space that would hold at least 120 people.
We are so thankful the Lord opened up doors for us to rent two units in a plaza in High Springs. We have lots of renovations to do and walls to tear down. It's exciting!!! We have less than a month to complete the move. It's going to be busy! Lots of prayers appreciated in these days ahead.
Thursday, October 13, 2022
5 Treasures
Being a Lolli is amazing. To say that these 5 have my heart is an understatement. I never fully realized how much I would LOVE being a Grandma!
Preparing for Ian
As the morning went on, their texts and calls changed. I could tell the storm was getting very bad. They were all in hallways with mattresses on or near them. My sister saw a tornado on her road. Then she texted that her fence was gone. And then her shed was gone. Mom's big swing blew away. And then, I didn't hear anything from them.
Having no communication was hard. We prayed and prayed and prayed. Watching reports on the news was pretty scary.
As the storm passed over Fort Myers, it looked like it had moved a good bit east so that we wouldn't experience anything too bad once it came up this way. But, we know our area. We so easily lose power! Since they thought we could get tropical storm force winds, we prepared just in case we lost power. Josh and Tabitha invited us to stay the night in their home in case it was windy. So, I baked cupcakes to bring. :o)
It took about a week for the electricity to be restored for my Fort Myers family. I sent them this verse that Tabitha had sent to me,
"when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me."
So thankful for God being that bright light to shine on our path. What an awesome Protector/Provider that we have! So thankful for His protection!
Tuesday, October 4, 2022
A Birthday Trip
Then, they took us to a Butterfly habitat. It was so peaceful and relaxing, and right in the middle of downtown!
Then, my sisters and I gave my Mom a fun birthday party. It was really great!
On the way home our AC quit. Then it started to rain....it was quite a trip home!! But, we rolled down our windows, sang at the top of our lungs, and had a great time together making more memories!
That was a couple of weeks ago that we took our trip to Fort Myers. Since then, that area has been devastated by Hurricane Ian. I'm so thankful my parents and sisters and their families are safe. To lose things is difficult. But people are more important that things. I'm so thankful for their safety!