
Wednesday, January 18, 2023

`14, 31 and 48

January is a busy birthday month for our family.  We start with our Silas Boone's Birthday.  This year he turned 14!  Doesn't it seem like I was just announcing that we were expecting him and then announcing his birth!?
Silas is such an amazing kid.  I love spending time with him and talking with him.  He and I LOVE to discuss our goats and future goat plans.  He loves sports and you can often (at least 6 days a week and several times a day) find him out in the yard tossing the football.  We got him a goal to aim at for Christmas and he loves it.  He's very athletic and loves to be busy. He is becoming a fine preacher and I can't wait to hear him preach for Youth Night at the end of the month.  I also love hearing him play his trumpet and the piano.  

 His newest thing that he's talked about a ton is rabbits.  He wants to get into selling him.  He's been making his case and doing his research for about 3 weeks about why he should get some.  He's talked with people, and really knows his stuff.  Tonight was his night to present his full idea to his Dad.  He's so excited that Patrick is on board with the idea.  They have some pens to build, so it might still be awhile, but soon I will be posting photos of my boy with his new business.  Anybody want to buy a rabbit??

He wanted Strawberry Swirl Cheesecake for his birthday.  So yummy!

We had a great day out together.  First we went and played Frisbee golf.  We got him a set for his birthday and our town has a great course.  It was so much fun!!  Then, we went to KFC for lunch.  My boy loves his chicken sandwiches!

Happy 14th Silas!

A couple days after Silas, Marc has his birthday.  This year, Denise made a Puerto Rican style Turkey dinner for Patrick and Marc's birthday since their days are so close to each other.  It was amazing food and honestly I think it's my new favorite!

Happy 31st Marc!

Then, a few days after that, it was my sweetie's birthday.  He turned a very handsome 48.  I love his graying beard and temples and find it so attractive. :o)

Callie made him a coconut cake and we celebrated right after Patrick and I got back in town.  But, I guess I haven't posted about our trip away together yet!  I guess that will have to be for my next post.

Happy 48th to my sweetie!

 So we celebrated a 14th, a 31st and a 48th!  We're off to a great start and many more birthdays to come!


  1. A belated Happy Birthday to Marc and to your hubby. I bet they really loved that delicious dinner made by mom's loving hands.

  2. Happy belated birthday to Silas too! I loved reading about all his interests and am super impressed that he already preaches. I see we share a love of strawberry cheesecake and KFC; rabbits, not so much, lol.
