
Thursday, February 2, 2023

14 Days and Ways

Happy February! It's officially the month of love 💞💞💞

Valentine's Day can be a special time in your home, especially if the wife/momma is in on it. We really do get the opportunity to set the tone in our homes. We often think of Valentine's Day with our husband and the special things you will do for one another. And while that is definitely important to keep the fires of romance burning in your marriage, we need to shower our children with love as well. 

My kiddos are getting older. sniff sniff. But I know that now, maybe more than ever, they need to know they are loved. The ways I show them have changed slightly. Parenting pre teens and teens is amazing and wonderful, but can face its new sets of challenges, too. 

So I thought I would post 14 ways we (I'm doing this too!) can show our kiddos that they are loved.

1. Put hearts on their doors. I saw this a few years ago on Pinterest but just never got around to doing it. The idea is to cut out a bunch of hearts. Each morning you tape a heart to your children's door with an encouraging word describing them. 

Let me just say, day number one was a hit! They were so encouraged by the one word I wrote about them! Yay for the win on that one!!! I've cut out a bunch more hearts and plan to put one on their door each morning until Feb 14. 

2. Tell them. With words. As kids get older it's sad to see parents stop communicating with them. They need to know they are loved! When is the last time you told your kiddo you loved them and why? And you must look them in the eye for this to be effective!

3. Buy a special treat from the grocery store for them. Do you know their likes and favorites? You should! Buy them those dill pickle chips that only they like. Buy that sour candy that makes your face pucker. Hide it under their pillow to find.

4. When they find their treat at bedtime, let them eat it right then. Even if they've already brushed their teeth. Even if crumbs will be in their sheets. Let's not be so stuffy that we don't relax and have fun with our precious treasures. 

5. Write them a note. And fold it super cool like you did in High School. 😂

I'm amazed at the little post it notes and scratch sheets of paper that I've written little pieces of encouragement on that my kids keep. They post them by their bed or put them on mirrors. Our kids cherish written notes more than we realize. 

6. Have a hot cocoa date with them. Make a mug of hot chocolate with lots of whipped cream, marshmallows and as a bonus top with red heart sprinkles. Then, invite them to chat with you at the table or on the porch. Don't have an agenda of what to talk about, just talk like you would with your best friend. Because after your husband, that's exactly what they should be. 

7. Play their favorite game. Let them choose, but then play your hardest and show them that the momma is hard to beat!

8. Go on a walk with them. It could be a park or even your road. When you do things with your kids they seem to open up more. 

9. Read a book together and then talk about it. 

10. Ask their opinion. Our children are growing up. They have talents and abilities and opinions. Value their opinion. 

11. Let them choose dinner. And then make it together.

12. Serve with them. Do something for someone else and do it together.  Bake bread for a neighbor or rake the yard of an elderly loved one. It's fun to make memories while being a blessing! 

13. Love their Dad. Our children feel love and security when they know Mom and Dad are in love. Talk about all the good things their Dad does. Teach them by example to praise him and serve him. When our children learn to honor their earthly father, we are training them to honor their Heavenly Father in the process.

14. Pray for them. Momma, your prayers matter! Bring your precious child to the throne daily. And multiple times a day. Pray for their physical protection. Pray a hedge around them spiritually and emotionally. There is a battle raging for your child. Don't let Satan win.  

Our children deserve to be loved on. These years go by way too fast. Make memories today that will last a lifetime. 

And PS.....All these things can apply to that hubby of yours, too!


1 comment:

  1. So many beautiful ideas!! This is my favorite month and serves as a reminder of how much love we have been shown by Jesus---love the simple and practical ideas to love on others!!
    Many blessings,
    Maggie for our family
