
Wednesday, February 8, 2023

How are you retaining what you've heard?

Cloudy.  Muddled. Full. Trouble Focusing. Foggy.

These are all words I've sometimes heard (and used) to describe the thinking process and retaining information.  I truly believe it's one of satan's tactics to keep women so full of everything else, that we have no chance of dwelling on what really matters.  We are too full of the world.  Too full of the hecticness of day to day.  Too full of trying to meet everyone's needs.  Just plain too full.

But, that's not how I want to be.  When I am too full my brain is cloudy.  I have trouble focusing on what I ought to be doing and being productive.  I feel like a silly hamster running on a wheel.  Going no where.  Accomplishing nothing.  I don't want to be that way.  And I'm pretty sure you don't want to be that way either!  I want my mind to be focused on Christ.  I want to be zoned in on His Will for me on a day to day basis.  When I do, my home runs smoother, my kiddos are happier, my hubby feels cherished, and I am content.

So how can we have that ultra-focused life?  I believe one of those ways is by retaining what we've heard or read.

We live in an amazing time and an amazing place.  We have oppurtunities like no other generation has ever had.  We can attend many church services a week and hear amazing preaching.  We have access to podcasts, sermons, devotions, and ladies conferences.  We have a treasure of good books that will help us to grow.  And most importantly, we have God's Word in many places in our lives.  Wow, we are blessed!!

But, how are you retaining what you've heard?  We hear things that will help us to grow more Christ like and be fruitful.  But, it's all too easy to listen to good preaching, walk away and say, "That was amazing!"  and then forget what we've heard.  

I'll prove it to you....what lesson was taught last month in Sunday School?  What about what was preached last Wednesday?  What about the verses you read in your devotions this morning?  How are you retaining what you've heard and read?

I have a few ideas for you if you'd like to join me on this quest for retaining more. There is so much research on how to remember things.  It's amazing how much more likely you will remember it if you write it down!!  So here are a few things I do:

   ~ I have a preaching notebook.  I carry it with me everytime I go to church.  Just like a college student trying to absorb every word of  the professor's lecture, I take notes throughout preaching.  I write down the main points and the references.  Then, throughout the week during my devotion time I go back and review those notes.  When I wrote down a reference in Scripture, I write out the verse.  It's amazing how when reviewing the message God solidifies in my heart what He would like for me to do.  My desire is to not just be a hearer of His Word, but a doer.  If I am to be a doer, then I must remember what I've heard!

~I keep a Quote Book at my desk.  I love doing this!  If I read a quote in a book that I want to be reminded of, I write it down in this book.  If there is a quote during preaching that really touches my heart, I write it here.  There's some good stuff in that book!!  I look at it often and encourage myself.

 ~I then have other notebooks I keep for when I'm reading a good book.  I like to write down the title of the book and then the page number with the quote I want to remember.  It's amazing how much I retain by writing it down.

I praise the Lord for what I'm able to hear and read.  I just don't want to walk away and not let it affect my heart.  It's worth it to take the time to retain what we've heard!

1 comment:

  1. You have a good discipline going on with keeping notes of everything. I'm still a bit disorganized when it comes to all of that.
