
Wednesday, July 26, 2023

No greater joy!! A Great Baptism!!


Wow some amazing things have been happening at VSIBC!  And when things are happening, people get saved.  And when people get saved, they want to show others the work that the Lord did in their hearts.  And when that happens they want to follow the Lord's command for Believer's Baptism.  

We had 5 that wanted to be baptized that day.  The way we had been doing baptisms at our new location is to have a truck with trailer come and get our "baptistry" and bring it to the back of the plaza.  Then, everyone would go out back to be able to watch.  Well, in the middle of the service it started pouring down rain!  I mean loud rain!!

So Patrick decided to scrap that plan and have the baptistry come around front.  We all stood under the overhang, or some stayed at the windows inside.  It's amazing because then the rain stopped to just a light drizzle.  

We only blocked the parking lot for a small bit while we had the Baptimsal Service.  It was neat to see people also ligned up at the restaurant to watch people getting baptized in a parking lot.  :o)

I sort of alluded to it last post, but Liberty and Freedom chose to get baptized that day.  I was so excited for them!! I was around their age when I accepted Christ and followed in baptism, too!

It was neat to see Joshua be able to be the one to baptize them.  Wow, the emotions!! There really is no greater joy!!

They both don't happen to be too crazy about getting their head dunked under water, but they wanted to do this.  They did really great!!


So proud of these girls.  And proud of their parents that are teaching them diligently about the Lord!! Joy overflowing here!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed all of your recent posts. This one was such a blessing!
