
Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Visit from Mom and Dad

We always love it when my parent's come to visit!!  We were so glad they were able to come and spend 2 nights with us.  We planned a big family dinner and we showed them the progress on our church property.  

They gave lots of attention to their great grandkids,

and their grandkids,

and even to their daughter! :o)

I gave them updates about our little farm.  I love this picture Mom snapped of Dad and me. :o)

They helped Brenna and I keep the nursery for visitation.  Dad played and played,

(side note...Dad broke his hip and had to have a hip replacement a year and a half ago and then not too long ago he had to have part of his lung removed because of cancer.  Yes, he's amazing down on the floor playing!!)

and read and read.  He's such a good Grandpa.

They took us out to of our favorite spots!!

Me and Mom even enjoyed some time on the porch together!  We drank tea, sweated in the heat and talked and talked.  I love how close we are!

And of course she got lots of snuggles from these precious babies in our family.

But the real reason they came??? Is this.....but I'll post more on that soon!

 It was such a wonderful visit!  We love you Mom and Dad!!

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