
Saturday, August 19, 2023

Finishing up our Summer

So what did we do this summer besides camp, kayaking, and swimming in the springs?  We did a ton!! And since school is starting I need to wrap up our summer here on my blog.  I love having this resource for my kiddos to look back on and remember the good.  Lots of good happening around here!

So what did we do?

We had lots of fun time with our grandbabies.  Lollipops sure does love them! Hoping they feel the same. ;o)

We love being in Nursing Home ministry ever other Saturday.  Bro Munson does a wonderful job caring for the people there and making a difference.  He gives Micah and Silas turns preaching too and it's been great for them!

Lollipops and their grandsons.  I just love these boys to pieces!!

Silas has been on a Monopoly kick.  Wow that game takes a long time!!

The kids have been staying up late.  Probably too late.  That means they sometimes crash for naps.  They will love me for snapping this picture. :o)

More monopoly.  Micah and I played Catan this time instead.  I love that game!

And we squeezed in a couple of date nights!

We found out that July was Ice Cream month!! How fun!  So each Friday we let our kiddos take turns picking out ice cream.  We tried some very yummy flavors!

Time out with Beth,

putting lots of puzzles together, 

and taking care of our animals.  Storybook Farms has been a little more challenging this summer.  We've lost 2 of our animals and that's always sad.  But, Caliope Jane here is doing great and hopefully bred for some Christmas kids!

And more naps and more...

puzzle time!

We had plenty of time to act a little crazy and be creative, and also to

keep putting puzzles together!  For our Ladies Bible Summer Bible Study we had a puzzle theme, so we were all putting together a bunch of them.  It was fun!

In July the ladies of our church surprised Tabitha with a birthday party.  It was so fun!  And then they showered her with Kate Spade goodies!  She was surprised and felt very loved!  She deserves it, that's for sure!

My kiddos decided to grown up this summer and start looking older.  I have always said the teen years are great.  I still believe that and we are savouring these years.

Beth wrote in her book a ton!  I mean hours upon hours worth of writing.  Big news coming on that soon!!

I made lots of lotions and I love this new little hobby of mine!

We said goodbye to Wendy.  It's never easy to lose an animals.  Callie cared for her and tried to save her, but I think she was just an old rabbit and it was her time.

Patrick taught me how to play Backgammon and I love it!!! Although I am not very good at it.  I'm trying to get better!!

Time with my adult kiddos is priceless.  I love when I have time with my family!

I baked with the grandbabies.  I love doing that!

We made new friends.  I am so thankful the Harris Brothers could come by and sing!  We have them on the calendar for next year, too, so that's exciting!

We had an Anne of Green Gables night with friends and made a Fry Bar.  So yum!!! And so fun!!

So much laughter that night!!

I looked at Curriculum just about constantly and prayerfully made some decisions of what we will use for the next school year.  I am so excited about the Adam's Synchronological Timeline!!

 I began Physical Science.  Silas is doing this course this year and honestly Science (Especially High School Science) is NOT my strong point.  So, I decided I will take this class with him.  I'm getting a jumpstart to hopefully give me some extra study time!

And just like that summer is over.  And school is started.  But, that's okay.  I can always tell when it's time to begin.  And it's TIME!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Kami! You certainly keep very busy. I thank God he has given you the strength and stamina to do what you need to do. Those kiddos of yours really need their sleep during this phase of their development so I'm glad they are able to nap. A belated happy birthday to Tabitha. God bless everyone as you begin a new (school) year.
