
Monday, August 28, 2023

And we are off!!!

We are off to a GREAT START to our 2023/2024 School Year!
Like last year, we have decided to meet together at the table for what we call our "Genesis Moment."  This is where we pray, memorize Scripture, study the Bible together, learn a hymn for that month and its composer, and read a book together.  I love this time!!
We are starting off with memorizing 1 Chronicles 16:8-12.  Such powerful verses on praise to the Lord!  This gets our focus right as we start our day.
We are doing an overview of each book of the Bible and also finding it's path in history with Adam's Synchronological Timeline.  Last week took us into a deep dive of the Tabernacle.  I have a feeling we might stick to this for a couple of weeks.  There is just so much to learn!
This month we have been singing, "Will Jesus find us watching?"  This is a new one to us, and we are loving it!
And then we have chosen to first read through God's Smuggler.  Wow, we are hooked already!

Silas is my highschool freshman this year.  I was a little sad as I realized that this is my first time in a very, very long time that I don't have anyone in elementary school.  How did that happen?

Callie is in 8th grade.

 Micah is in 6th grade.

It's going to be such a great school year and we are so excited!!


  1. So glad you're off to a good start! This is my last year of having an elementary school student (my youngest is in 5th!) so I'm with you on wishing time would slow down. I'm so blessed to be a homeschooling Mama, and I know you are too :) Hope you have a blessed school year!

  2. You have an eager and happy looking bunch of students. Happy school to each of them.
