
Saturday, September 2, 2023

Hurricane Idalia

What a roller coaster ride this past week has been!! Last week about this time we started to hear of a tropical system that could be moving our way. 
Patrick met with some of the leadership at our church to discuss plans for our Tuesday night service and what to do about our building.

The plan they decided was to board up the church. Without windows and doors there was a fear that wind would lift the building. We don't want that! Our windows and doors are still being fabricated, so they chose to board the building up. 

On Monday we had a bunch of our guys come out to help. Its always so inspiring to see how many come out. They have a love for our church and we really are a family. 

They also decided to keep our Tuesday night meeting. The forecast was for the weather to not get very bad until late Tuesday night .  I'm so glad they chose to keep our services, it was exactly what we all needed!! Bro Hopkins is one of our favorite preachers. But especially that night it was a God ordained sermon on being a servant. He had humor at the right times and we all laughed so hard!! Then, there was much conviction as the Holy Spirit pointed to areas in our lives we need to work on. It was truly a blessing to be there. 

We went home and finished up the prep work. We boarded some of our windows and made sure our animals were safe. We filled up the bathtub and lots of water jugs to prepare to be without power. When we went to bed it was forecasted to be a Category 3, possibly a 4, and for the eye to pass over us just before noon. It really was in the Lord's hands.

I'm amazed at the sleep we got that night. We were sooooo tired from the work the past few days that we slept well. When we woke up the next morning, the wind was blowing good, but we saw the storm had moved to a more westerly track. Then our power went out.
We did get some wind, but we were really spared the brunt of the storm. We have branches down, but that's about it. 
Everyone in our church is safe with only branches and trees to clean up. Praise the Lord!!

Patrick made me a coffee warmed by tasted so amazing as we sat there and thanked the Lord for our safety. 

Micah kept busy with his tanks and army guys with just a flashlight. 

The next couple of days were very very hot. That's not water on the girls, that's sweat!!  That cantaloupe tasted so refreshing though!! We laughed at the hundreds of beads of sweat on Micah's nose. 

Patrick has been running here and there helping where he can. I fall more in love with him everyday. He's still just as handsome as ever, but his servants heart is attractive too. I just love him.

The kids and I helped pick up a neighbors yard. We were quite warm!!

After 3 days our power is back on. God protected in so many ways, and we are so thankful!!


  1. So glad to read that you are all safe.🙌🙏

  2. I enjoyed catching up on all of your posts. Sounds like you all have had a busy summer. So glad God kept your family safe through the hurricane. Have fun with school!
