
Thursday, January 18, 2024

Back to School!

So many dreams and goals are coming true, it really is amazing!!

One of the desires my husband has had for VSIBC is for our church to have a Bible Institute.  This would be a college style course that could be offered for those wanting to dig deeper and learn more of the Bible, and then to eventually start a Bible College right here!  My husband says that if our people saw his vision it would scare them.  There is so much he wants to see happen here!  (And by vision he doesn' t mean some magical form appeared to him and told him things.  He means a vision like what is talked about it in Proverbs that says where no vision is, the people perish.)

When we had the privilege of having Bro Ronnie and Mrs Cheryl Munson join our church, God also gave us wonderful servants of God.  They have many experiences in ministries.  One of those is with Faith Bible Institute. What an amazing ministry that brings Bible College right to your local church!  After much prayer my husband decided this is the direction he wants for our church!

We have about 35 people signed up for our Tuesday night classes.  Some of those are online (we have several truckers in our church now.  Each trucker keeps reaching another and it's so exciting!  They will be listening online.)  So about 20 of us came to class.  

I was so excited for many reasons:

~I'm going back to school!  I told Patrick that I really wish I had a Strawberry Shortcake lunchbox with a thermos!  It sort of turned into a junkfood Tuesday, we all had candy and snacks.  Next week I gotta bring fruit!

~I get to do this with my hubby.  Even though we went to school together, we never had a class together.  It's fun to sit next to him and give winks to the cute guy next to me. ;o)

~I get to do this with my children.  (Josh, Tabitha, Beth and Silas)  I know we will encourage (and maybe compete with) each other along the way.

~The buzz of excitement is growing in our church about this.  We have 9th graders taking the class (that's the youngest age allowed), we have young mommas, middle agers, and even some of our older generation.  We have baby christians taking the class, and also those that have been saved for 50+ years. It's varied, and it's great!!

~It goes along with our theme of  "So much the more"

~My husband's dreams are being fulfilled.

~God is pleased!

Our church is growing and going for the Lord and I'm so amazed I get to be a part of it!



  1. That’s so great. I love that truckers are a part of your church. That’s a group I haven’t thought about reaching much.

    1. It really is so neat! They are so faithful when they are home on the weekends. But during the week they listen to our services as they drive and now they listen to the FBI Classes. They are growing!!

  2. This is wonderful! I will for sure be in prayer that this will grow! I'm so excited for you guys! I took a class with my hubby when he was in Bible college and loved it too! I hope this grows and grows!!!!

  3. What a blessing, Kami! I love how God has used your family to start the church there and how God keeps using it for His glory.
