
Monday, January 15, 2024

Storybook Farms Update

It's been quite a while since I've done an update on our little farm.   I say that almost jokingly because we are more like a Wanna-Be-Farm.  We are still in the learning mode of how to make all these things work, and we are always switching plans.  More and more our plans have become focused on my goats.  We made the switch to all Mini Nubians almost a year ago.  It was then we decided to try to get into registered mini nubians.  There has been so much to learn dealing with the MDGA and ADGA.  Different forms to fill out and bloodtests to complete has been a little on the pricey side.  It was our hopes that having registered goats would eventually be a way for us and our children to earn a little extra money.  That is still our hopes, but hasn't exactly happened yet.  We are trying though!

Once we started getting our designer goats ;)  Jenna became jealous.  She's calmed down some and let everyone know she is our herd queen.  For some reason she has not been bred.  Her blood tests keep coming back negative.  We are hoping that eventually we will see more Jenna babies because they are always so cute!!

Tiger Lily has had a rough start.  She had some health problems at the beginning.  Because of that she has been slow to grow.  She's doing great now!! I would love to see some Tiger Lily/Crusoe babies!! I think Victory would too!!

Calliope is our goat that has a confirmed pregnancy.  We are think she will be due at the beginning of March.  So excited!!!

Peaches has kept busy training Tonto.  He's a handful with lots of puppy energy, but he's doing great.  The coyotes have really kept Peaches busy lately too.  She's such  good farmdog!!

 And then for Christmas we added a rabbit.  Silas wants to try again to breed them.  He named this adorable one "Happy."  We love her and she is so friendly and playful!!

We're having a great time in our little corner of the world.  God has been so good to us.  So thankful for animals to feed and take care of, and I love having my childen right next to me learning all along the way.


  1. Love your farm updates! Your family is beautiful! All of your "kids" and children too :)
