
Wednesday, January 10, 2024

The power of a woman's influence

 Everytime I read the book of Genesis, I'm reminded of the power of influence.  Especially the influence of a woman.

I read of Rebekah and the influence she had over Jacob.    As her son questioned her plan to deceive his father, she influenced him to still go through with the plan.   Jacob pleaded with her, "I shall bring a curse upon me."  Her response?  Let your curse be upon me.

We see later in this chapter that her wish was true.  The curse was upon her.  It says in Genesis 27:41, "And Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing wherewith his father blessed him."  And then it says how Esau wished to kill his brother.  What family turmoil!  I can't help to go back to the beginning of the chapter and play the what-if game. 

What if Rebekah had influenced Jacob to do good to his brother and father?
What if Rebekah had presented a united front with Isaac in raising their children?
What if Rebekah hadn't of played favorites?

Would the brothers have gotten along and not wished to kill the other?
Would she have been able to enjoy more years with Jacob and not have him sent away?
Would she have enjoyed a more fulfilling marriage and motherhood?

Our influence is so important and powerful. 

I love how the Lord shows us the realness of people.  Sin will make us pay more than we want to pay and we see that lived out in Genesis.  God wants us to learn lessons from these mistakes that He wrote down for us.  So let me remind you as I'm reminding myself today....your influence on your husband and children is powerful.  And has lasting effects.  Look down the road a ways and see where that word, that thought, that idea that you have will lead you.  Where will it lead your family?  I'm so thankful for the guidance God gives us through Scripture in every aspect of our life!

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