
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Grandpa's Little Helper

My Dad bought Micah this onesy "Grandpa's Little Helper" when Micah was born.  It seemed so big at the time!  It fits him now!  I guess we need to teach him about the tools now! :)

Friday, December 28, 2012

A Heart that Keeps

Oh how I’ve needed this heart study this year!   The Lord has taught me so much as I’ve focused on a new word each month.  I realized that my heart can never be trusted, and I must never follow it as the world says to do.  I must listen closely to Christ and the instructions He’s given me in His Word.  He’ll never fail me! 

I’ve also realized that keeping my heart right and close to the Lord is a daily battle.  I  understand why Paul said that he must “die daily”.  As I’ve looked over the words I’ve focused on, I realized that I desperately want to “keep” the commitments I’ve made to the Lord.  The times in my life that I have true joy, are the ones where I’m in the center of God’s Will and living for Him. 

My focus needs to be to “keep” the things that the Lord has taught me close to my heart.

Deuteronomy 4:9 “ Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life: but teach them thy sons, and thy sons' sons;”

Deuteronomy 8:2 “And thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness,  to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments, or no.”

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

What a Christmas! (In a Nutshell)

We had such a wonderful Christmas.  God is so good to us!  I snapped a few shots, so I'm going to share a few!

 Our Services on the Sunday before Christmas were great.  We planned some special music with singing and also an instrumental special from Joshua and Brenna.  Patrick had a great message on the Greatest Gift.  We gave gifts to all who came, and some were even given to us!  What a blessing!

 We had a fun meal of appetizer type foods.  It was delicious!

 Doesn't Micah look so grown-up in his tie and vest!  What a cutie!

We asked Denise to join us for our services via Skype.  We knew she would enjoy watching her Mom open the gift she bought for her, and also to hear preaching and singing in French.  

 And of course we had a Birthday Cake for Jesus!

 On Christmas Eve we did our usual tradition of reading the Christmas story from Luke Chapter two by candlelight.  It's always a special time for our family to reflect on God's Unspeakable Gift-Jesus.  We also revealed what our stocking gifts to Jesus were last year, and gave new gifts to Him for this coming year.  It's always a time of focusing on Christ and what we want to do for Him.

 We tried to talk Joshua into not waking us up too early this year.  And he was sweet to wait until he heard Patrick and I talking at 6am.  (Although he had been up and waiting on the couch since 4:30am!)  We were able to Skype with my parents and with Patrick's Mom and brother for our present opening time.  It was good to "see" our family for Christmas!

 Silas and Callie were so excited to open new jammies from Mam-maw.  They both changed clothes right away!

 Then, Josh and Patrick opened new jammy pants from Mam-maw.  They did the same as Silas and Callie and tried on their new ones right away, too!

Then, we decided to try something new this year.  Instead of our usual Turkey, we made Duck.  (actually 2 of them, because they were so small).  They weren't bad, but they weren't exactly good either.  I think I'll leave cooking Duck to the restaurants.  I won't be trying that again.
It was a great day and God gave us so many blessings to enjoy on HIS birthday!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Sunday, December 23, 2012

An Unexpected Gift

This morning after our church services, dishes done and little ones were napping I noticed my Elisabeth giggling with something behind her back.  When she finally showed me what it was, it brought tears to my eyes (and maybe down my cheeks).  My Mom remembered one of my favorite Christmas Candies, and sent it back with Elisabeth and Brenna in November.  Elisabeth was instructed to give them to me at a good time.  This was perfect.  My Grandma June always always always bought these candies around Christmas Time.  I can usually down most of the bag before I realize I have an I-ate-too-many feeling tummy.
Thanks, Mom.  You've truly made me feel special today!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Giving Brings Joy!

 For the past several months, the ladies and I and my girls have been working every Wednesday to make quilts for the residents at the hospital.  (St. Barths is in the process of building a nursing home, so until it's done, the elderly needing care live at the hospital)  I wanted to find a project that would involve several steps for all of us to do together.  We thought small lap quilts that would fit well in a wheel chair would work well.  We did a simple felt backing with no batting.  It's hot here, you know! :o)  Some days we cut out squares, other days we tied the quilt sandwiches together.  It was a perfect project!  Brenna is the one that actually sewed all the squares together to make the quilt tops.  I'm proud of my girl!

I decided to embellish some dishtowels that we would hand out to the nurses at the hospital.

Yesterday was our day to deliver our gifts.  We were so excited!  Callie wanted to look like a Christmas Princess in her Christmas dress.  What a cutie!  And Silas wanted to wear a bowtie, just like Donald Duck. How funny!

When we arrived they had everyone gathered together. We sang Christmas Carols (in french) and the accoustics were perfect in the courtyard.  We handed out our gifts and everyone was so thankful.  I helped an elderly man open his.  I explained to him what it was and put it on his knees.  Then, I saw a lady in the corner with just part of her gift opened.  She was smiling and looking at everyone admiring their quilts.  She would look at her gift and tear just a little more open, then look around again.  She was so happy to have a gift and enjoy the Christmas Spirit.  I went over to help her.  She gently touched Micah and said, "Thank you so much, this is so kind."  She was truly thankful and happy we were there.  The nurses were happy too and the head nurse was so thankful we came.

Please pray with me that the Lord will use us here in St. Barths.  We want to reach this island for Him!  We pray that God's Love was shown through us today and that He will be magnified!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

It's a Wonderful Life

One of the things we love to do every Christmas Season is watch It's a Wonderful Life together as a family.  Oh my, I cry every time!
This year Joshua made our homemade fudge to go along with the movie.  It was soooo creamy and smooth and perfectly delicious.  What a great evening spent together!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Very Attractive

I have to admit it....I find this picture very attractive.  No....not the dirty engine, but my sweet hubby's greasy hands, with the gold medal band shining out from under all the dirt.

Patrick has been working and working and working on our car lately.  We've had a few (maybe a few times 7) days at home waiting on car parts to arrive.  A few nail biting days wondering if the car would start.  And a few days of praying for wisdom what to do.  Order from the states, yet wait longer and pay less?  Or order here, have wheels, and be broke.  Ha! My Dad has been a blessing and has had many calls from Patrick wanting to know what the next step should be.  Dad, you should have just flown here for the week! :)

I'm thankful for a man that can fix things and keep our family running!  Love you Patrick!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Candy Cane Mocha

Seeing all of the talk about new Christmas time flavors at Starbucks has made my mouth water for sure!  Hhhm, we don't have those here.   So, I improvised and I'm loving my Christmasy pick-me-up every morning!
Candy Cane Mocha
Start with one cup of super strong coffee.
 1 teaspoon of sugar~1 Tablespoon of powdered creamer
1 teaspoon of Hot Cocoa Mix~2 drops of Peppermint extract
Mix Well
Then Top with Whipped Topping.
Love this stuff! 
Now, I'm off to make me another cup!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Baby Boy Yellow and Blue

A little while ago Patrick asked if I would make a baby boy quilt for a couple here in St. Barths that is having their first baby.  He thought it would be a great way to say "Welcome Baby!" and also a chance to give them a gospel tract and an invitation to our Bible Study.
 I love any reason to get to quilt! :)  My Mom sent some fabric back with the girls that  I thought would be perfect for this quilt.  Thanks Mom! 

Quilt finished and I love it!

Today I'm linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts Finish it up Friday.  She made a really cute Drano Quilt....I think I might try one out too!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Maybe a little spoiled?

My Silas is at the age where we're trying to teach him about asking for things.  He has a way of sort of making all of his wishes and wants known.  :)  Especially around his Uncle Georges and Aunt Mariane.  

 About a month or so ago Silas "mentioned" that he would like some ice cream, hamburgers, shrimp and lobster.  Ha!  This boy has some good tastes!  Mariane made sure he had plenty of ice cream and hamburgers!   Then, we found the shrimp on sale at the store.  Last week Mariane arrived with some Lobster for Silas.  He had one all for himself!
Patrick cut up Silas's lobster in little pieces with butter for him to enjoy.  For the rest of us he put in a garlic/butter type sauce and we served it over noodles.  It was amazing! Thanks Georges and Mariane!

So, Silas obviously knows how and who to ask.  I wonder if I should give him some ideas for what to ask for next! :)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Happy 8 Months Micah Reuben!

My little Micah "Roo" turned 8 months old today...although he doesn't seem so little anymore!
 He's starting to get more of a chubby look.  See those cheeks and that belly?  Love it!
 He's as mobile as ever, that's for sure!  He didn't get into our Christmas tree very much the first 2 weeks, but this week he's seemed to notice it a little more.  He's only torn 2, maybe 3, or 4 gifts.  I have a feeling that his older siblings are directing him to it, though!
 He also cut his 2 top teeth this month.  Poor guy had the usual symptoms for cutting teeth.  But, they are finally through, and they are sharp!  trust me.
 He loves hearing the vacuum and motorcycles.  It's so hard to vacuum if he's on the floor.  He has no fear and leaps for the machine!  When he hears a motorcycle he whips his head around so quick to see it!

Oh my Micah, you're growing up on me!  Where has these past 8 months gone?  I'm lovin' being your Momma.  You're such a cuddler and snuggler and you're giving good kisses too.  I love you!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Our December 6th

Last year I posted about being German for the day and celebrating December 6th.  Well, this year was no different, my sweet parents sent gifts for all of us to open!  Except....
We didn't exactly wait until the 6th.  It was actually the 3rd.  Oops.  We just couldn't wait!
So our tree is all ready to go and presents are wrapped and ready!  We love the holidays!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

In our neck of the woods

Our car has been "broken" for a  little while now.  Our new radiator is being ordered from the states, so it will get here eventually.  About the same time we noticed that the construction workers finished part of the new sidewalk they were working on right by our house.  Perfect!

 St. Barths is pretty mountain-y.  And we live in a valley.  Our road can be pretty busy, so getting out for a walk with the little ones isn't very safe.  Now that the sidwalk is done we are able to walk to the Grand cul de Sac Beach!   We spotted this peacock along the way.  Do you see him?

 Grand cul de Sac is the place where some of the local fisherman anchor their boats.  It's a pretty beach.  Patrick and his uncle have spotted a Barracuda here.  Scary! You can also see people kite surfing here.   It's a great place to go for a little walk along the shore.

 I love this picture of my handsome hubby and sweet Callie Grace.  Do you notice the new sidewalk and paved road?

 I love this picture....Silas is eyeing something on the road.  Probably ants or bugs or something like that.  Callie is holding Patrick's hand, but looking back wondering what Silas has spotted.

And this is how Micah spent some of his walk.  He loves his sling (and I do too)  I love our family walks, it's been nice to get out and get rid of some of our cabin fever!  So how about it?  Do you want to come join us for a walk in our neck of the woods?