
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Lots of Hugs

Patrick, Joshua, Elisabeth, Brenna, Silas and Callie made it in last night around 10:30.  Thank you to all who prayed for them!  They had great flights, a good lay-over, a fun drive with McDonalds, and just a really great day.  It was so good to have them all in my arms.  Micah was already asleep, but as Patrick and I tiptoed in the room, we saw Josh was already looking in at him at the pack-n-play, the other 4 were on our heals wanting to get a glimpse at Micah,too.  As the 7 of us looked at a precious sleeping baby, I looked back and realized...we're all together again.  I'm so blessed.  It was one of those moments that will be in memory forever.  I have missed them so much!

After spending a few precious hours this morning with my children, Patrick and I left for our drive to Jacksonville.  We arrived around 7 exhausted, but happy to be together.

Tomorrow I have 2 appointments at Mayo.  Thank you everyone for praying and for encouraging our family.  I can't tell you how much it means to all of us to have so much love through this journey!


  1. What a wonderful report. I'm so glad your family had an excellent trip. It sure does help to know that all of you are together again and that God answers our prayers. I will continue to pray for you dear one. big hugs from me too but they are "cyber hugs".

  2. I am praying hard for you today.

  3. Tears, tears, tears, of joy that you are all together again!
    Praying for your appointments today!!!

  4. Praying so hard! Glad you all are back together! :) You've all been on my mind! Thanks for the update!

  5. We all knew that it would be a Great reunion!! You are still in our prayers!!
