
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Enjoying some Patch

For Christmas we had a dear family give us "Camp Kookawocka Woods" which is one of our favorite Patch the Pirate CDs!

 We have loved Patch the Pirate ever since our older 3 were little.  But, since all of our CDs are in a box in St. Barths, our younger 3 haven't had a chance to get to know all about the Jolly Roger Adventures.  We were so excited to introduce it to them.
 They camp out right beside the CD player and listen and sing and laugh.  I just love it!
 Even Micah enjoys it!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A few more to the list

I saw my doctor again today.  While looking for the cause of my pain, we have accidentally uncovered some other unusual things happening with my body.  Lung nodules, Tuberculosis, Giant Cell Tumor, Vitamin D deficiencies,   and now two to add to the list...Anemia and Geographic Tongue.  Not very glamorous.  But, I am so thankful for my doctor that is committed to keep looking and hunting for what is going on.  He told me today, "Never feel bad about coming in my office.  We will keep looking and keep seeing if any of these things are a key."  He's also hoping a pattern will start emerging.

  I have had two of my other doctors want to put me on a long-term medication for my pain.  If you've seen the commercial for this it is quite scary.  The side effects take a whole lot longer to list than the good stuff the meds do.  Quite scary!  For now, Patrick and I feel it will be best for me not to take this medication.  My doctor today is supportive of that decision and wants me to keep up with the regime I am doing that helps...somewhat, sometimes.

I still have another appointment the beginning of April with a new Specialist I have never seen before.  My doctor thinks he might have some insight.  Then, I will see my doctor at the end of April again.

When Patrick and the kids were talking last week they needed to know the date for something.  It was one of those moments when reality hit me.  It is March.  The middle of March.  When we began our Medical Furlough in August, I never ever thought we would still be looking for a diagnosis in March.

Blogs can be betraying.  I know it's easy to read blogs and see all the good things, but I want you to know that through this trial I do have times of asking, "Why Lord?"  I have times of feeling guilty, as if this were my fault.  I have times of not having the right perspective.  But, I am writing this to let you know that the Lord never fails me.  Never.  It's when I choose to take my eyes off of Him, and put them on my situation that I struggle.  Last week was a time of discouragement for me.  I don't have all the answers, but I know some things that helped me through that week, and things that will help me in the days to come.

~Don't forsake your time alone with the Lord.  He's so ready to speak to you through His Word!  I find that He has written so much just for me!!  Now, I know that's not exactly true, but sometimes when I read, I feel the Lord saying, "This is for you Kami.  Because I love you."  Romans 8:35-39 were His "I love you" for me today.

~Cry out to God.  God doesn't mind hearing you cry and blubber through your prayers.  He wants to hear you and listens for you.  Cry to Him. One of the verses I have on my bathroom mirror is 2Kings 20:5 "Thus saith the LORD, the God of David thy father, I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears:  behold, I will heal thee."  This is one of those verses I felt as if it were written for me.  I know God is going to answer my prayer!

~Surround yourself with people who will encourage you.  I have a wonderful support group.  (I guess that's what you call them!)  My husband.  My kids.  My family.  My friends.  God has been so good to give me people that will give encouragement.   Don't shut yourself out from those who can help you.

So this is real life.  Ups and Downs.  But through it all Romans 8:28 rings so true,
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

My Beth's Day

My Elisabeth had a wonderful day for her 16th Birthday!

She started off with a breakfast date with her Daddy.  My kiddos love having that special time with him!  Then, it was time for presents at home.
I love to watch the face of the "giver" when the birthday girl opens her gifts.  I love seeing how excited they are.  Beth was happy with the lipgloss that Callie picked out for her!

Silas couldn't wait for Beth to open the plant he bought for her and the big bag of Reese's.  When she saw what it was he said, "You can share them with me if you want!"  Me too maybe?

One of Beth's friends found a book published in the 40s at the bookstore and gave it to her for her birthday.  My girl loves old books!
Then, Grammy brought over one of Beth's favorite cakes, The Fruit Basket Cake.  So delicious!
Brenna gave Beth a birdhouse kit and she was so excited to just relax and work on it.

For dinner we invited our family to meet us at a Mexican Restaurant. Even though we have a few non-lovers of mexican food, they came along anyway for our girl.  Dad said the chicken tenders were excellent!

Lots of fun on my girl's day!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Happy 16th Birthday to my Elisabeth Kristine

 Happy Birthday to my Elisabeth Kristine!!

 Is it possible my baby girl is 16?  As I tucked her in last night I started thinking about how excited I was when she was born.  I kept saying, "I have a daughter!  I have a daughter!"  I have loved watching Beth grow and experience new things.  I love how she looks at things and doesn't rush through life.  So many of us seem to do that, but my Beth is the type of girl that will take time and enjoy.  What a great quality!
 She is so diligent and has such a servant's heart.  She's not in a hurry to grow up, but is such a lady.
 But, as I was tucking her in, I realized that how much more every year we become friends.  We've always been close, and don't get me wrong, I will always be the Momma!  But, there is such a common bond between the two of us.  We can go for a walk and talk a mile a minute to one another even though we've been together all day.  Or we can work side by side and know what the other needs help with without having to say it.  I just love this girl!
Happy Birthday to my Elisabeth.  My daughter.  My helper.  My friend.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Another driver in the house!

So proud of my Elisabeth!  She now has her Learner's Permit!  It's going to be exciting having another driver in the hosue!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Answered prayer for my Josh

When Josh's doctor saw that his bilirubin was high, the possibilities were a little troubling.  The doctor told me the best thing would be for him to have Gilbert's Syndrome.  All other reasons for high bilirubin are pretty alarming.

Patrick and I were trying to be patient today waiting for the call back from the doctor.  I was so glad when he called and said, "Yes, Joshua does have Gilbert's Syndrome!"  So, what does his mean?
~Josh will always have a higher bilirubin (Hello built in tan!)  It's just how his body is.
~When he gets sick we might notice a slight change in his skin coloring.
~He might have bouts of fatigue and lack of appetite.
~He will need to let future doctors know of this because he won't be able to take all medications.
~This DOES NOT harm his liver.  Praise the Lord!!

So thankful for answered prayer!  Thank you to all who prayed through with us.  God is so good!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Keep Trusting...with my kiddos, too!

It was about 11 months ago I posted about "Trust."  It's not a lesson that I have learned overnight, and to be honest, it's one that I need to work on everyday.  It's easy to say and even tell someone else, "Just trust the Lord!" The Lord is continually teaching me to trust Him.  He has proved himself over and over that He is in control of my life and loves me so much more than I can imagine.

 You know, it's sort of strange...I learned Proverbs 3:5,6 when I was a kid in Awanas.  It was one of those verses that seemed to be in every book to complete. So, I memorized it in my head.  I'm finding that the Lord is now letting me memorize it in my heart.  Each word becomes precious and I feel like it's meant for me.  It has helped me when I must put these verses into practice.

This past month has been another time of putting those verses at work.  My Joshua had a checkup with the doctor.   They noticed his weight was down and wanted to do some blood work.  The doctor called me the next day to let me know his Bilirubin is high and we need to do some further testing.  We went back to the doctor this past week for further blood work and discussing what to do.  If his bilirubin is still high, but all other tests come back normal, then he most likely has Gilbert's Syndrome.  The doctor said this is a non destructive process and it's just how Josh is.  He will have a higher than normal bilirubin for the rest of his life that will most likely worsen when he is sick.  But it won't effect his liver and he will be fine.  If any of the other tests do come back abnormal, then Josh will need to see a doctor specializing in the liver.  He is concerned about Josh's weight because lack of appetite can go hand in hand with liver disease.  But, when Josh got on the scale, the doctor was thrilled that in 3 weeks his weight had gone up 7 pounds!  Please be praying for my boy. We should hear results on Monday.'s definitely one of those lessons that when you're practicing complete trust in the Lord, you have such peace.  God is so good to us!