Saturday, June 22, 2024

Baby Azariah is here!! So happy to welcome in grandbaby #6.💕💕💕

Brenna had a super fast labor that started at her Midwife appointment. She called me from the waiting room to let me know contractions had started about 8 am and were getting stronger and closer together. 

From her appointment she went straight to the hospital where she was getting pretty close to delivery.  Azariah was born at 12:01. That was quick!

We are all in love already!! He's adorable!

Asa was so happy to meet his baby brother. He gave him a bunch of kisses and was pretty curious about all the fun buttons and levers in the room. 😂

If you've read my blog for a bit, you remember that Brenna had quite a scare after Asa with eclampsia. So far Brenna is doing great and monitoring symptoms. Prayer would be appreciated for her that this doesn't happen again this time. 

Welcome to the family baby Azariah! We are praying now that one day you will make the most important decision a soul could ever make! We are praying that you will see your need of a savior. And that Savior is Jesus Christ! 


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Trip to Fort Myers for Mother's Day

On our trip to Fort Myers it was fun to have some extra time together and time with family. 

We loaded up bright and early, and even put a cage in the back! But I'll talk more on that in another post 🙂 🙂

While we were there Silas, Callie, and Micah and I were able to swing by the beach real quick to see the sunset. One of my favorite things to do! The weather was perfect. The water was warm. And it was just beautiful!

It was so nice to be with my mom and dad and my three sisters. Having all of us together doesn't happen very often. But we are treasuring the time we have! 

My sisters and I are finding that we are entering a new season of life. Our kids are graduating. Our babies are having babies. And things are just changing! Time is like that. I'm thankful for the time that we have to weget together. It's funny how when you get together with your siblings you can be young again!

We squeezed in as much family time as we could!

I told Patrick that this year for Mother's Day I wanted to be with my mother. I'm so thankful for a husband that hears my desires and makes them happen! I was glad to have three of my children with me that day! It was fun to be able to go to church with my parents.

It's always good to see Pastor and Mrs Judy Strange! Silas realized this time that he is just about as tall as pastor!
And just like that Our trip is over. Memories were made. We had laughter galore and it was a blessing to go home for a bit!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Graduation season

We have had a wonderful graduation season!! We have 4 awesome graduates in our life that we were able to celebrate with. 
First up was my nephew Ty. I am so thankful that we could travel down to Fort Myers and see his graduation. What a smart kiddo!! And to top it off...he is going to UF in the fall which just so happens to be by his Aunt Kami!! 😉 Super excited about that!
He did a great job on his speech. Very accomplished young man!

Next up was my other nephew, Logan. He's the handsome guy on the back left.  I was super bummed that we weren't able to be there to celebrate with him. But I am proud of him and the accomplishments he has made through his schooling years. This guy is so smart that he actually skipped a grade when he was younger. I just know he is going to do great things for the Lord with his life. 

Then we have Kylie. She graduated from Heartland Baptist Bible College in Oklahoma City. We are so blessed to have had her grow up in our youth department and watch her grow closer and closer to the Lord and give her life to serve Him. It was so fun to take a road trip and surprise her. It was a trip we will always remember. So much fun! So proud of this girl. 

And lastly we had Lena graduate from High School. Honestly, this is the one that has had us in tears a few times. We are so proud of her!!
Lena and her brother were our first bus kids at VSIBC.  We have watched them get saved and grow close to God. Their parents ended up coming to VSIBC and we have watched them grow and become leaders at our church. They are our dear friends. The Lord knew we needed their family!

Lena has stayed faithful and Godly in the public school setting. Not an easy thing to do. She has stuck with the stuff and made a difference and we are so proud of her. 
She has decided to head off to Bible college in the fall and we are missing her already!! 

 So thankful to have these amazing young people in our life!

Getting close!

Its almost time for baby Azariah to arrive! In fact, as I type this I am sitting with Brenna at her appointment. She is 39 weeks and two days and sooooo very ready!
A few weeks ago Tabitha hosted a baby shower for her. The theme was so cute! So many ladies came and showered my girl with gifts. I am so thankful!

It has been a really great pregnancy for her. So far her body isn't showing any signs of eclampsia. Praise the Lord!! We are praying for a safe and healthy delivery for baby and Momma!