Tuesday, May 14, 2024

A Good Reminder

 My gardenia bush is blooming. It is my absolute favorite smelling flower. 

A couple of times I have found gardenia blossoms waiting for me. In the seat in my car.  By the chair where I am sitting. My husband wants to show his love to me. Each time it makes me smile. And I feel very loved. 

It's a good reminder to me. It's not always the huge gifts or major events that make people feel the most loved. It's the little things, like making eye contact when you say I love you, turning down the bed for you when you are about to climb in, writing a note that encourages you, and blossoms of your favorite flower. 

I want to be like that. I want to be intentional and make sure my loved ones know they are loved. My intent is to do more of that on purpose. Life is too short to be too busy. 

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