Saturday, June 15, 2019

What does God say about Summer?

Summer.  Oh wonderful Summer!  We plan for you all year long and you're finally here!!

We're enjoying it so far, with many things to do on our list.  But, honestly, my list is changing up a bit.  My preacher hubby preached an amazing message on summer just a couple of weeks ago.  It makes me want to have the best summer ever and do amazing things! 

Have you ever thought about how we view summer?  We have been programmed that summer is a time to step back and be laid back.  You know, the whole 9 months on 3 months off mentality we had as kids.  That should not be so for the christian!  Summer is the time for us to move forward and we should take advantage of those summer months when things are a little different compared to the rest of the year:
~More time for God
~More time with Family
~Meet new people and be a witness and encouragement to them

God has a lot to say about summer in His Word.  Isn't it so neat how God really does cover it all in the Bible?  We just have to be willing to look for it.

     Be Careful of Summer Poverty "He that gathereth in summr is a wise son" Proverbs 10:5
In Scripture summer is a time to prepare.  Even the ant, that little creature that doesn't have a lazy bone in her body, works and prepares diligently in the summer. (Proverbs 6: 6-8)  This summer I want to gather spritual strength!

     Stay right with God this summer!  Don't allow things in my life that other times of the year I wouldn't let in.  Don't slip.  Stay tenderhearted!

     Summer is the time to gather fruit.  This summer I want to gather and produce spiritual fruit!

So, I must ask myself....where do I want to be by the end of summer?  Yes, I want to have a little more free time, fun time and rest time....this homeschooling Momma needs it!  Yet, in the midst of being free from school, I want to be productive as well.  How do I do that?  Have a plan!  I need to plan for
My Family
My Marriage
My Soul-Winning
The Ministries I'm involved in

I want this to be a summer to remember, filled with moments pleasing to the Lord.  I want it to be a  time of year where I purpose to seek God's face and ask Him how He wants my day to go.  It's going to be a great summer!!