Monday, March 17, 2025

Bunny Business

I'm so proud of my boys!  It was a little over a year ago they decided to start their bunny business.  At first there were a few hiccups.  As they were learning the care of rabbits, they learned a lot.  Then, they began researching the specific breed of Holland Lop.  They knew what to look for, and what they liked.


Then they began learning the marketing behind having a rabbit busines.  It's been a good bit of work for them!

But they've been steadily watching their little business grow!

We've seen quite a few bunnies born on Storybook Farms!

And we've added quite a few along the way, too!

Micah has the male rabbits.  And Silas owns the females.  They've worked out a system of how to pay to care for them and how they split the profits.  We've had a lot of discussions on how to make things the fairest as possible, have a business sense, but still be brothers working together.  I'm so thankful for what they've been able to learn!

Somehow every once in a while these outdoor bunnies make their way inside. :o)  

I'm really enjoying these times with my boys.  They are growing up.  And too fast, of course.  I wish I could make time stand still.  But, that's just not what is possible.  So for now, I want to soak in all these moments, enjoy them, and praise the Lord for His goodness!

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