When we got goats 9 years ago we had a lot to learn! And then last year when we decided to move more towards the registered side of goats, we had even more to learn!
We've learned about testing for diseases to make sure our herd is clean and safe.
We've learned how to give tattoos to identify them.
We've learned how to disbud them when they are really young so that they will not have horns. Honestly that's not my favorite duty at all! So I just let Patrick and Silas handle that one 🙂
We've learned how to give vaccines and what to watch for. We've also learned how to be in contact with other farmers and watch for kids born with traits that we would like to bring onto our farm.
And I'm pretty proud to say that through this, we've been able to see some amazing goat kids born on our farm! As we've developed what we desire to see, it's so fun to see that come to fruition!
I love raising my family on our little farm!