I love this time of year with all of the patriotism and Red, White and Blue! Since the 4th of July fell on a Tuesday, we decided to have a "God Bless America Service" at VSIBC on Sunday!
We started with the pledge,
And sang many patriotic songs. It was great!
Then, on Tuesday, we had a cookout at the church. Have I mentioned lately that I love my church family? :o) I sure do!
Everyone brought so much food! We had some of the men grill out hot dogs, hamburgers, and nettles sausages. So yum! All the ladies brought in the sides. We have some good cooks in our church!
We had many desserts and 6 ice cream freezers going. Homemade ice cream is the best!
I think Callie and Emma had more sprinkles than ice cream!
There were so many different things going on! Some played horseshoes and cornhole. Brenna and Tabitha were pretty excited to be the cornhole champions! Lots of high-fives happening!
We also set up a a couple of tables for a puzzle competition. We divided our ladies into 2 teams and each team was given the same puzzle to see who could finish it first. We have some competitve ladies! It was a lot of fun!
We also had sack races for the kids. They loved it and loved it!

When it was time to take a Gimenez family picture, we had a few extras jump in. Have I mentioned how much I love everyone at VSIBC?!
We finished off the night with some amazing fireworks! What a great way to celebrate America!!